Az indonéz Külügyminisztérium ösztöndíja a 2014/2015-ös tanévre Indonéziába. A Darmasiswa ösztöndíjprogram a résztvevők hagyományos zenei, táncos és indonéz népművészeti képzését támogatja. A programba fél, valamint egy éves időtartamra lehet pályázni. Pályázati határidő: 2014. január 24. Az ösztöndíj értéke: 2000 000 rúpia. Az ösztöndíjas kiegészítő támogatásként könyvtámogatást, utazási támogatást, egészségügyi biztosítási hozzájárulást és zsebpénzt is kap. A program résztvevői az ország különböző városaiban lévő 51 egyetem közül választhatnak.
Ország: Indonézia
Támogatottak: érettségizettek
Célok: tanulmányok
Tudományterület: művészetek
Támogatások formája: ösztöndíj
Ösztöndíj időtartama: 1 év – 6 hónap
Szükséges nyelvtudás: angol
Korhatár (alsó-felső): nincs-35
Ösztöndíj keret: n.a.
Pályázati határidő: 2014. január 24.
Információ Magyarországon:
Indonéz Kormány Nagykövetsége
1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 26.
email címe:
Telefonszám: (+36-1) 413 3800
Darmasiswa RI program is a non-degree scholarship program offered by the Indonesian government to foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relations with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia, arts, music, crafts and particular subject in 46 selected Indonesian higher education institutions in different cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).
The main purpose of this program is to increase and foster interest in Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian culture among citizens from other countries. It has also been designed to enhance mutual understanding and provide stronger cultural link among different countries. The interest of international students to participate in this program keeps increasing year by year, especially in the last five years.
1. | Regular 1 (One) Year |
It is offered to foreign students who would like to study Bahasa Indonesia, traditional music, traditional dance, traditional craft and other particular subjects *) in selected Indonesian higher education institutions. | |
2. | Regular 6 (six) Months |
It is offered to foreign students who would like to study Bahasa Indonesia in selected Indonesian higher education institutions. |
For the list of universities and colleges organizing the program, please click here.
1. | Registration | 9 December 2013 – 24 January 2014 |
2. | Selection | 3 February – 28 March 2014 |
3. | Announcement | April 2014 |
4. | Confirmation | 1-20 May 2014 |
5. | Commencement | September 2014 – February/August 2015 |
a. 1 (one)-year program | September 2014 – July 2015 | |
b. 6 (six)-month program | September 2014 – February 2015 |
The Darmasiswa student from Belgium and Luxembourg is required to obtain a Social Visit Visa (VKSB) for 60 days issued by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Brussels. Upon arrival in Indonesia, his/her passport has to be submitted to the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Education and Culture, for necessary arrangements in obtaining recommendations of the State Secretariat and the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
The students are prohibited to apply for Tourist Visa or On-Arrival Visa for study purpose.
The monthly allowance which will be received by each student is Rp 2.000.000 (two millions rupiah):
a. | Living cost | : Rp 1.200.000 |
b. | Book allowances | : Rp 200.000 |
c. | Local transport | : Rp 200.000 |
d. | Medical/ health care | : Rp 200.000 |
e. | Pocket money | : Rp 200.000 |
Students are advised to bring enough money in US dollar for unexpected additional expenses in Indonesia.
Each student has to fulfill these requirements:
- Maximum 35 years old of age.
- Completed secondary education or its equivalent.
- In good health as proved by Medical Certificate.
- Able to communicate in English and additional Bahasa Indonesia is required.
- Has basic knowledge of the field he/she is applying for.
Prospective students from Belgium and Luxembourg are required to register at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Brussels. He/she who is not in his/her home country is not allowed to be registered through the Indonesian Embassy/ Consulate General in the participating countries (non-citizenship).
Applicants must submit a complete application package that includes the following items:
- Completed admission application form.
- Recommendation letter from the higher education institution.
- 1 (one) copy of academic transcript and certificates.
- 1 (one) copy of passport (valid at least 18 months from the time of arrival in Indonesia).
- Curriculum vitae/resume.
- 5 (five) pieces of passport-sized color photograph.
All documents must be submitted to:
Mr. Riaz J. P. Saehu/ Ms. Diyah Ramadani Agustini
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
38 Boulevard de la Woluwe, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
Afterward, the Embassy will submit the documents to the Darmasiswa Scholarship Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Ministry of Education and Cultural does not provide the accommodation for students. However, the students are welcomed to apply for for a homestay. Please download and complete the form here.
The Ministry of Education and Cultural does not provide the return international airfare to Indonesia. It will provide the transportation from Jakarta to the place of study. However, the cost of transportation from the place of study to Jakarta will be borne by the student.
The student is expected to obtain the international health insurance on his/her own expenses.
For further information regarding the scholarship, please go to
The information provided here is correct at the time of uploading.
Downloadable documents:
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