Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Alkotói pályázat a kultúrák közötti kölcsönös megértés elősegítéséért

Az UNESCO pályázat célja, hogy összegyűjtse azon illusztrációkat, melyek a legkifejezőbb módon mutatják be a békét. A versenyen a 14 és 25 év közötti fiatalok vehetnek részt.

Pályázati feltételek:

  • 14 és 25 év közötti életkor
  • 4 kategória: esszé, videó, fotó és grafikai művészetek
  • mellékelt űrlapok kitöltése

Nevezés módja:

  • e-mailen Ms Katérina Stenou-nak e-mail címre (Director of the Intersectoral Platform for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in the Bureau for Strategic Planning, tel.:+;
  • valamint egy másolati példány megküldése Ms Amina Hamshari-nak az és a Magyar UNESCO Bizottság Titkárságára a e-mail címre.

Nevezés határideje: 2012. november 30.

Pathways to a Culture of Peace: Global Contest for Mutual Understanding

Register before 30 November 2012! Click here to access the Registration form

Pathways to a Culture of Peace: Global Contest for Mutual Understanding is a contest launched at the international level through UNESCO’s networks and partners. It invites youth to express its experience of how peace and non-violence are or should be produced and reproduced day after day in various environments, what has come to be termed everyday peace.

What are the objectives of the Contest?

  • To promote a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence through the works submitted, which are to be developed upon a reflection on key-notions of peace and take the format of essays, photos, videos, graphic arts;
  • To develop the sense of belonging to, and the responsibility towards humanity, while respecting the value of its plural identities;
  • To share concrete experiences of everyday peace at individual, local, national, regional or international levels;
  • To reinforce peace-making knowledge, skills and values among young people.

 Who can participate?

Pathways to a Culture of Peace: Global Contest for Mutual Understanding is open to all young people around the world, from 14 to 25 years old.

What does the Contest consists in?

The participants have to submit a work in a maximum of two categories from the following four categories:

  • ESSAY :  An Essay of a maximum of 500 words, submitted either in English or in French and presenting any type of life experience related to “everyday peace” (an original poetry, a piece of theatre, an interview of key-actors in peace, an illustration of some original ways to enhance everyday life…)
  • VIDEO CLIP: The video-clip should encourage young people to practice peace on a daily basis (at home, at school, at the University, in the street…). It must not exceed 1 minute, must be submitted in “AVI” format and captured by a digital camera, portable telephone or camcorder.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY: Participants who have chosen this category must provide an (electronic if possible) „album” containing 10 entitled photographs on the theme of „Culture of peace and non-violence”. They must send their albums in  .jpeg or .tiff format (300 dpi resolution).
  • GRAPHIC ARTS: Participants who have chosen this category must create and design an original logo on the theme of a „Culture of peace and non-violence”. Works can be either in paper or electronic format and should be sent in PDF based on a A4 size (300 dpi resolution).

Works must express the views of young people based on the following “Peace Cloud”:

The video clip, the logos and the photos must be accompanied with a text* explaining the choice of the young participants, and the logic linking their work to the theme of the Global Contest.

What is the timeframe of the Contest? 

  • 30/11/2012         Registration Deadline
  • 21/03/2013         Submission Deadline, International Day for the Elimination   of Racial Discrimination
  • 21/05/2013     Announcement of the eight winners on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

What are the prizes? Winners and short-listed contributions will be posted on the Internet, in a digital catalogue. A special web-platform will be maintained featuring inputs on the different pathways to reflect and to live peace. In addition to the public exposure offered by UNESCO and its partners, each of the 8 winners will receive a personal digital tablet.

*Less than 150 words for the graphic work and less than 300 words for the video-clip and the photographs.