A Bogliasco ösztöndíj a bölcsészettudomány, művészet és építészet tudományterületein tevékenykedő szakemberek számára nyújt pénzügyi támogatást. Támogatott szakterületek: régészet, építészet, Tánc, film/videó, történelem, tájépítészet, irodalom, zene, filozófia, színház, vizuális művészetek. Az alapítvány évente kb. 50 ösztöndíjat biztosít a jelentkezők számára. Jelentkezési határidők: 2014. január 15 és 2014. április 15.
Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded, without regard to nationality, to qualified persons doing advanced creative work or scholarly research in the following disciplines:
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Classics
- Dance
- Film/Video
- History
- Landscape Architecture
- Literature
- Music
- Philosophy
- Theater
- Visual Arts
In the Arts, the Study Center welcomes persons doing both creative and scholarly work (such as Art History, Musicology, Film Criticism, and so on). With respect to Music and Theater, the Center does not have rehearsal studio space for persons wishing to work extensively in performance. However, as of 2013, the Bogliasco Foundation is happy to announce the addition of a brand-new, state-of-the-art 365 sq ft dance studio. Customizations include a sprung floor with marley surface, mirrors, portable barres, and audio-video projection and recording capabilities.
Applicants for Fellowships are expected to demonstrate significant achievement in their disciplines, commensurate with their age and experience. In addition, they must submit descriptions of the projects that they intend to pursue in Bogliasco. An approved project is presumed to lead to the completion of an artistic, literary, or scholarly work, followed by publication, performance, exhibition, or other public presentation.
Approximately 50 Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded each year. They are scheduled during the two semesters of the traditional academic year. The Bogliasco Foundation does not offer summer residencies. During 2014-2015 the dates are as follows: September 8 to December 19 (fall-winter), and February 2 to May 15 (winter-spring). The standard residency at the Liguria Study Center has a duration of 30 to 34 days, depending on various practical considerations: the travel arrangements of Fellows, their disciplines and studio requirements, the Foundation’s scheduling limitations, and so on.
Application deadlines are as follows: January 15, 2014, for the fall-winter semester beginning in September 2014, and April 15, 2014, for the winter-spring semester beginning in February 2015.
Bogliasco Fellows may be accompanied by spouses/partners during their stay at the Liguria Study Center. Spouses/partners who intend to pursue a project in one of the disciplines, and who wish to be designated as Bogliasco Fellows, must submit separate and complete applications.
Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded to qualified persons working in the various disciplines of the Arts and Humanities without regard to nationality, age, race, or gender.
To be eligible for the award of a Fellowship, applicants should demonstrate significant achievement in their disciplines, commensurate with their age and experience. Please note that Bogliasco Fellowships are not awarded to students currently in a degree-granting program. The Foundation gives preference to persons whose applications suggest that they would be comfortable working in an intimate, international, multi-lingual community of scholars and artists.
The Foundation only accepts applications submitted through the online application system, which can be accessed on the Applicant Registration page. The following documents, which may be submitted in English, Italian, French, or Spanish, will be required.
- The completed application form.
- Three letters of reference.
- A short-form curriculum vitae, three pages in length.
- A one-page description of the project that the applicant would pursue during her/his stay at the Liguria Study Center.
- A sample of the applicant’s work that has been published, performed, exhibited, or otherwise publicly presented during the last five years.
- (6) A $30 application fee.
Specific information for each page of the application may be opened by clicking the [Information] buttons at the bottom of the pages. We suggest that you read carefully this information as you complete your application.
Bogliasco Fellows may be accompanied by their spouses/partners during their stay at the Liguria Study Center. Spouses/partners who intend to pursue a project in one of the disciplines, and who wish to be designated as Bogliasco Fellows, must submit separate and complete applications.
There are certain practical issues that may influence the granting or scheduling of a Fellowship:
Reapplications: There is no limit to the number of times a candidate can apply for a Bogliasco Fellowship. However, previous recipients of a Bogliasco Fellowship must wait three years before reapplying. For example, Bogliasco Fellows who were in residence during the winter-spring 2011 semester are eligible to reapply for winter-spring 2014.
Practical Restrictions: Before preparing an application you should consult with an officer of the Foundation (info@bfny.org) if you or your spouse/partner have either of the following:
- food allergies or other dietary restrictions,
- problems walking up and down stairs or steep inclines.
If you decide to submit an application for a Bogliasco Fellowship, and have questions, please feel free to contact the Foundation office (see below).
Deadlines for the submission of applications are as follows: January 15, 2014, for residencies during the fall-winter semester beginning in September 2014, and April 15, 2014, for the winter-spring semester beginning in February 2015.
Notification dates for the award of Fellowships are as follows: April 1, 2014 for Fellowships during the fall-winter semester beginning in September 2014; July 1, 2014 for Fellowships during the winter-spring semester beginning in February 2015.
The Bogliasco Foundation
10 Rockefeller Plaza (16th Floor)
New York, NY 10020-1903
1 212 713-7628
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