About CEC ArtsLink: CEC ArtsLink is a non‐profit international arts organization based in New York City that has helped ensure a dynamic and enduring cultural dialogue btween the US and 32 countries overseas. Each year, we provide direct grants to dozens of local and international artists and arts managers, produce events and administer residencies and reciprocal exchanges through ArtsLink Awards, Open World Cultural Leaders and VisArt programs. Publicly Creative, our first public art workshop in New York City, continues CEC ArtsLink’s commitment to promote the concept of public art as collaboration between artists, communities, and the urban environment. This 4‐day/4 hour per session workshop will be conducted in downtown Manhattan by artist, curator and public art expert Kendal Henry.
Application Requirements
Applications will be accepted from individual artists, arts professionals, students and interested members of the general public. The workshop will be tailored to provide professional advancement opportunities for the practicing artists as well as learningopportunities for students, aspiring artists and the general public.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Background or training in art are a plus but not a requirement. In letters of interest, applicants must demonstrate the following:
- interest in the arts
- interest in affecting change in their urban environment
- ability to collaborate with others effectively
Please make sure to answer each question. Be succinct and specific in your responses.
For the questions about your interest in the arts and in the field of the public art, describe how the arts are incorporated in your life. How often do you attend art events? Do the arts influence your life and how? Do you or have you practiced art either in professional or amateur capacity? Give an example of an actual public art project that you found particularly affecting.
For the question about influencing your urban environment, briefly describe one hypothetical idea for a project or action that might positively affect your immediate surroundings in a pblic realm, for example in an area where you live or work or go out.
For the question about collaborations, give one example of your experience working collaboratively that required effective teamwork and creative problem solving. The project does not have to be art‐related. You may briefly describe the challenges you’ve met successfully and outcomes of the project.
For the question about your workshop expectations, tell us what you hope to achieve by the end of the workshop, and how your participation in the workshop would relate to your personal vision and your creative or professional goals.
Applicants must submit one single‐sided, unbound copy of the following items:
- Letter of Interest, completed and signed
- CV or resume (no more than 2 pages)
If you would like acknowledgment that your application was received please include a completed and stamped return postcard. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
We ask applicants to consider their schedules carefully before applying as the participants will be asked to attend all 4 days f the workshop.
Application Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by March 7, 2011
Selection Up to 20 artists, arts specialists and members of the general public will be selected by a panel of arts professionals on the basis of their appications. The selected participants will be announced in early April 2011.
Fee: $75 per person fee is due upon signing the Agreement of Participation if you are selected as a participant. Fee includes materials. Participants are responsible for the transportation expenses to and from the workshop.
Send completed application to:
CEC ArtsLink
435 Hudson Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10014
Attn.: Publicly Creative
For questions about the application, please call 212 643‐1985 x10 or email Megan Snowe at msnowe@cecartslink.org.
Web: http://cecartslink.org/projects/Publicly_Creative_2011.html
Forrás: http://cecartslink.org/
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