A Google ösztöndíj pályázatának célcsoportja azok a fogyatékossággal élő egyetemi hallgatók, akik az Európai Unió valamely tagállamában számítástechnikai területen vesznek részt egyetemi képzésben. A program célja, hogy leküzdje azokat az akadályokat, amelyek megnehezítik a fogyatékossággal élő hallgatóknak, hogy bekapcsolódjanak az informatikába, és bátorítsa őket a tanulmányaik folytatására, valamint lehetővé tegye számukra, hogy aktív és vezető szereplők lehessenek az új technológiák kialakításában.
A jelentkezők utolsó éves BA hallgatók vagy a 2012-13-as évben MA illetve PhD Programban részt vevő fiatalok lehetnek, akik európai egyetemre járnak, állampolgárok vagy állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek az EU valamely tagállamában, vagy nemzetközi hallgatóként az EU-ban végzik felsőfokú tanulmányaikat. A legjobb pályázók 7,000 eurós (vagy azzal egyenértékű) ösztöndíj-támogatást kapnak a 2012/2013-as egyetemi évre. 2012 júniusában meghívást kapnak a Google európai irodájába egy kapcsolatépítő találkozóra, amelynek minden költségét fedezik.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2012. február 1.
További információk: http://www.google.com/studentswithdisabilities-europe
Google Europe Scholarship
Access to knowledge is our passion. When it comes to higher education for promising scholars, we do not want anything to stand in the way. That is why we are pleased to announce the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities. Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships and networking retreats for computer science students with disabilities. This scholarship aims to help dismantle barriers that keep students with disabilities from entering computing, encourage them to excel in their studies and become active role models and leaders in creating technology.
Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of Bachelors, Masters, and PhD students will be chosen from the applicant pool. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of researchers and engineers. The scholarship recipients will each receive a EUR 7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship for the 2012/2013 academic year.
In June 2012, all scholarship recipients will be invited to visit a Google office in Europe for an all-expenses-paid networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity to meet and share experiences.
1.1. Eligibility requirements
Candidates must be:
- A student enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters or PhD programme (or equivalent) in 2012/2013.
- Enrolled at a University in Europe. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
- Studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field.
- A person with a disability, mental health or other long term health condition (including dyslexia, dyspraxia, visual impairment, hearing impairment, diabetes, epilepsy, depression, anxiety disorders, and any other physical or mental impairments or health conditions).
1.2. How to apply
Please complete the online application and submit all requested documents by 1st February 2012. All application documents must be in English. Scholars will be notified in April 2012.
You will be required to submit the following:
- Up-to-date copy of your CV.
- Answers to the following questions(Suggested word count is 400-600 words per question. You should treat question 1 and 3 as technical reports or research papers):
- Describe a significant technical project you have worked on. If you have worked on a major independent research project (such as research for a Masters or PhD programme), please describe that work here. Give an overview of the problem and your approaches to the key technical challenges. If this was a group effort, be sure to specify your individual role and contributions.
- Give one or two examples of your leadership abilities. Explain how you were influential and what you were trying to achieve. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Feel free to think broadly and examine the many ways you impact members of your technical community.
- Suppose someone gave you the funding and resources for a 3- to 12-month project to investigate a technical topic of your choice. Write a short version of a proposal, including a description of the project, your planned methodology, and your expected results. Please pick something other than the project you described for the first question.
- Academic transcripts.
- Bachelors: A copy of your current academic record.
- Masters and PhD: A copy of your previous and current academic records.
- Enrollment confirmation for 2012/2013 or confirmation of graduation date.
- Please include with your application an official enrollment confirmation or a confirmation of your graduation date issued by an official authority of the university e.g. your departmental administrator or a professor. If you graduate before October 2012, you are not eligible for the scholarship.
- Recommendation letters.
- Two strong referral letters from individuals who are qualified to evaluate your accomplishments, e.g. from a professor, adviser or supervisor.
For specific questions not answered on this page or in the FAQ section, please e-mail scholars-europe@google.com. If you require any adjustments or accommodations for making an application or any independent advice/assistance, please contact scholars-europe@google.com.
We look forward to receiving your application!
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