Fiatal designereket várnak Cannesba! This year, we are launching an exciting new Young Lions Competition, giving graphic and other specialist designers the space to showcase their talent and test their skills against the rest of the industry. During the Young Lions Design Competition, teams of two designers aged 28 or under have just one day to develop and deliver a complete brand identity to a brief set by a charity or non-profit group at the beginning of the week.
Bővebb információk:
This year, we are launching an exciting new Young Lions Competition, giving graphic and other specialist designers the space to showcase their talent and test their skills against the rest of the industry.
During the Young Lions Design Competition, teams of two designers aged 28 or under have just one day to develop and deliver a complete brand identity to a brief set by a charity or non-profit group at the beginning of the week.
Teams are then expected to develop an identity in 24 hours that includes a logo/brand identity (with three visuals of how this identity would look in the real world), a 150-word description of how the brand identity fits the brief, and a 150-word description of how this brand would evolve.
Each team’s work is judged by members of the Cannes Lions Design Jury, before Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are awarded to winners. The Gold-winning team receive its prize on stage at Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 20 June. The team also wins free registration and accommodation for the 2013 Festival.
If you would like the chance to compete in this competition, please contact your local Cannes Lions representative as soon as possible. They are organise national Young Lions Competition from December 2011 onwards to pick the most promising team to send to Cannes.
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