A THE BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, BUDAPEST Idén is, mint minden évben, lehetőséget nyújt 2 diáknak, hogy az iskolában díjmentesen elvégezzék az International Baccalaureate Diploma programot. Pályázz!!!
For the academic year 2012/2013 we are offering two outstanding students fully funded scholarship places at The British International School, Budapest for the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is recognised by prestigious universities in all EU countries, as well as in other countries, and is accepted as an entrance pre-requisite for all higher degree programmes. The majority of our IB students go on to take up University places in the UK, US or in Europe.
The successful applicants will fulfil the following requirements:
- a high level of fluency in English
- an outstanding academic record
Students will also demonstrate that they have personal qualities which will allow all aspects of the IB learner profile to flourish during the two-year course: an inquisitive mind, the ability to think critically and creatively, to communicate clearly and with confidence, to be open-minded, to act with integrity and to be prepared to take action to improve the lives of members of the school and wider community.
Places will be offered as a result of a competitive process. Interested students should apply to Melanie Ireland, Admissions Officer at admissions@bisb.hu
Out of respect for our host country we do give preference to Hungarian students living in Hungary.
Please complete the attached application form and write a short essay about your future aspirations (500 words maximum); why you are interested in this opportunity, what you feel you will get out of it and how joining the programme will benefit the school and its wider community. Please send your essay and school reports of the last two years by the application deadline: March, 23rd 2012.
Candidates deemed suitable will be asked to take a series of entrance tests including Hungarian (where appropriate), Mathematics and English.
Candidates will then be invited for interview and required to sit an entrance exam on Saturday, March 31st.
IB Scholarship Application Form 2012
Thank you for your interest in our IB scholarship offer. Good luck with your application!
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