A Kínai Fotográfus Szövetség pályázata 15.Nemzetközi Fotóművészeti Kiállításon való részvételre. A pályázatra nők, valamint szabad téma kategóriákban lehet jelentkezni. A nők kategóriában csak dokumentarista, a szabad téma kategóriában pedig dokumentarista, művészi, valamint kereskedelmi alkotásokkal lehet pályázni. Pályázatok beadási határideje: 2013. július 31.
Greetings from China Photographers Association.
China 15th International Photographic Art Exhibition is open now. We will highly appreciate if you can do us a favour and invite photographers from your country to send entries to the Exhibition. Alsoitwill be our great pleasure if youcan contribu te to the event.
Deadline: July 31st, 2013 (the reception date)
Submission: Log onto the English hompage of CPA website: http://cipae.cpanet.cn/en_index.html, click the 15th China International Photographic Art Exhibition for registration, fill in all required information, and upload your works by online instructions. Photos should be in JPEG format with the long edge of 1024 pixels.
You may also choose to send works and entry forms to gjbcpa15@gmail.com in case of technical failure when upholding photos online.
EntryFee: FREE
- „Female” category (documentary works ONLY)
- Non-themed category: 1) Documentary 2) Art 3) Commercial
- „Female” category: Gold Medalwinners; eachwith a prize of RMB 50,000 (aftertax), a CPA medal and a certificate
- Non-themed category: Gold Medalwinners for each section; each winner with a prize of RMB 20,000 (after tax), an FIAP medal and a certificate
- Recommender Award: The recommender whose recommended work wins Gold Medalin the competition shall receive a prize of RMB 10,000 (aftertax) and a certificate.
- Outstanding Organization Award: Organizations and individuals with significant contribution to the exhibition shall be granted the „Outstanding Organization” Award.
Winners of the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals and their recommenders, and winners of the Outstanding Organization Award will be invited by the organizing committee to the opening ceremony of the exhibition and a one-week photo-shooting opportunity in Lishui, China’s Zhejiang Province in November 2013. The organizing committee will cover the food, accommodation and transportation expenses of the participants during their stay in Lishui. The cost of travel from and back to the invitee’s place of residence is at their own expense.
Address of the Organizing Committee
International Liaison Department,
China Photographers Association (Please mark „International Photographic Art Exhibition”)
48, Dongsi Shi’er Tiao, Dongcheng District
Beijing 100007
P.R. China
Tel. / Fax: 0086-10-65255117, 0086-10-65141380
Contact person: Zhou Jing/He Shan
Download documents
Note: Participants may also choose to send their works and entry forms to gjbcpa15@gmail.com or mail their photos in the format of CDs to the above address in case of technical failure when upholding photos online. Please name your entry in the format of „Country/Region+Photographer’s Name+Entry Title”.
Please find in attachment the entry form and entry conditions. If further information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
International Liaison Department
China PhotographersAssociation
Tel./Fax: 0086-10-65141380
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