A Cardiff University Nemzetközi Ösztöndíj Alapjának graduális ösztöndíjai nemzetközi diákok számára. 3 db teljes ösztöndíj az alapképzésen (max. 3 év időtartamra) és 3 rész ösztöndíj melynek értéke 5000 £/év. Pályázat leadási határideje: 2013 május 31.
In recognition of the outstanding talent of many international students, Cardiff University offers a highly prestigious International Scholarship Fund designed to attract and reward the brightest students.
Eligibility Criteria
- You must be confirmed as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes (this information is contained in your offer letter).*
- You must fully complete the application form with the supporting statements as directed. Incomplete forms will not be considered.
- You must return the completed application form by the deadline: 1300 (GMT) Friday 31st May 2013. Applications received after this date will not be accepted. Applications must be emailed to internationalscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline. Any applications not sent to this email account will not be considered.
- Cardiff University must have received your application for an academic course by 1300 (GMT) Tuesday 30 th April 2013. You must have received, and firmly accepted, a conditional or unconditional offer by the deadline of 1300 (GMT) Friday 31st May 2013**
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught applicants for the International Scholarships must have received a conditional or unconditional offer for the 2013/14 academic year.
- Undergraduate applicants must have accepted Cardiff University as their Firm choice on the UCAS system by 1300 (GMT) Friday 31st May 2013. Postgraduate Taught applicants must have accepted their offer via the Cardiff University SIMS online application service by 1300 (GMT) Friday 31 st May 2013.
- After this date, applicants have until the following deadlines to have firmly accepted an unconditional offer: Undergraduate Applicants – 1300 (GMT) Friday 16th August 2013 Postgraduate applicants – 1300 (GMT) Thursday 8th August 2013
Applications where the status is not unconditional after this time will not be considered.
- Scholarships are to be used for entry in academic year 2013/14 only and cannot be used for 2014/15 entry. If you are awarded a scholarship and wish to defer your entry to the University, you will lose your scholarship and will need to re-apply again in the following year.
- These scholarships are only available to self-funded students. Students who are in receipt of full funding (consisting of either tuition fees or tuition fees and living costs) from a sponsorship body (such as their home country’s Government, charity or a private organisation) are not eligible to apply.
- Students must satisfy certain financial requirements as part of their visa application for study in the UK and students should not be solely relying on receiving a scholarship to meet the UKBA financial requirements. Further information on UKBA financial requirements for visa applications can be found on this web link.
- If a student withdraws/is required to withdraw from study before completing their degree, or does not complete their degree, from Cardiff University they will be responsible for repaying all or part of the monies received from the International Scholarship award on a pro-rata basis.
- Undergraduate scholarships are for a maximum of three consecutive years (interruption of study, study abroad year, sandwich years are not eligible as part of the fund). If students are required to resit a year of study, then they will not receive any further funding.
- Postgraduate Taught scholarships are available for a maximum of one academic year. Students studying a course which lasts longer than one year will not receive any further funding for additional years.
- If you are not sure about your eligibility for these scholarships or have any queries, please contact the International Office for advice at internationalscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk
- 3 x Full Tuition Fee awards: These awards will cover tuition fees (maximum Science fees) for students studying Undergraduate courses (for a maximum of 3 years only).
- 3 x Part Tuition Fee awards: 3 awards of £5,000 per year (for a maximum of 3 years only).
How To apply
The International Scholarship Fund application form will be available when you have firmly accepted a conditional or unconditional offer to study at Cardiff University and will be available to download from your SIMS online application account. If the application form is not available please email internationalscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk so that we may advise you.
The deadline to submit an application for the Undergraduate International Scholarships is: 13.00 (GMT) Friday 31st May 2013
Please see the Guidance Notes (available only with the application form on your SIMS online application account) and Eligibility Criteria for further information on this. Only one application form is to be completed to apply for any of the Undergraduate International Scholarships.
Please contact us by email: internationalscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk
Web: Cardiff University Undergraduate International Scholarships
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