A Rézler Gyula Alapítvány tanulmányi ösztöndíjat hírdet Albuquerque-be, a University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management-be. Az ösztöndíj 4 hónapra szól a 2010/2011-es tanév tavaszi szemeszterére.
The Julius Rezler Foundation invites applicants for a scholarship at the Anderson School of Management , University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. The scholarship is due in the Spring semester of the academic year 2011/2012, and runs for four months.
Hungarian citizens having a university degree, under age 35, are eligible to apply. Applicants should already have some expertise and/or should be motivated to study theoretical and practical issues of labour relations, dispute resolution, mediation and arbitration. Preference will be given to applicants, who plan to acquire an academic degree see below:
Each Rezler Fellow will have the opportunity to plan an academic program of courses and research by choosing among the following courses and certificate programs:
- Negotiations (ASM)
- Employment Law (ASM & Law)
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (Law)
- Employment Dispute Resolution (SPA)
- Mediation (Law and ASM)
- Employment Dispute Resolution (SPA)
Certificate programs in ASM:
- Essentials for Managers
- Basic Mediation
- Business Ethics
- Human Resources Management
- Building Managerial Excellence
Rezler Fellows are permitted to audit courses and do not receive academic credit. Not every course is offered each semester. ASM Certificate program participants receive an official certificate of completion for the 12 week program. In addition, Rezler Fellows are encouraged to attend actual arbitration and mediation hearings as observers under the guidance of Zane Reeves and Amie Nelson.
The amount of the grant (stipendium) is 4.000 USD, which is supplemented by subsidized university accommodation. (Note: travel costs need to be covered by the applicant.)
Applicants need to submit the following documents to the Foundation via mail (Julius Rezler Foundation 1111 Budapest, Egry József Street 1, Room: 709, Tel.: +36-20-523-5553) and in electronic form via e-mail: secretary@rezler-foundation.hu
- a short CV (Hungarian and English), including information about the applicant’s social background
- a research plan for the proposed project (max. 2 pages, Hungarian and English)
- a list of publications (Hungarian and English)
Applicants are requested to clearly indicate the title of their research, the name of the chosen American university, (or the letter of the application type) and their names on all attached documents.
Application deadline: 10th October 2011
The receipt of the applications will be acknowledged by the Foundation. The most promising candidates will be invited for a personal interview, where they can present their academic abilities and research plan, and prove their language skills in English. The interviews will be held during the week by the end of October.
Within one week after the interviews, the Curatorium will inform the candidates about their final decision. (Particular justifications will not be provided.)
After returning from the United States, the successful scholars are requested to write a technical report (in Hungarian and in English) about their work and accomplishments that will be published on the homepage of the Foundation.
Forrás: http://www.rezler-foundation.hu/
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