Gyakornoki lehetőség a Romedia Foundation-nál. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013 szeptember 15. A gyakornokkal szemben elvárt nyelvi követelmény: német-magyar nyelvű fordítás és emelt szintű angol nyelvtudás. A gyakornok csekély összegű havi ösztöndíjban részesül.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15th of September, 2013
Internship Dates: 1st of October – 31st of December, 2013
The Romedia Foundation is a Romani non-governmental organization based in Budapest, Hungary, working to contribute to a positive perception of Romani ethnic identity, combating anti-Romani prejudice and to provide alternative information to policy makers on Roma through the production of films and videos, international multi-media campaigns and public events. The organization was founded in 1992 and has since sought to make use of television broadcasting, publishing and the opportunities offered by multi-media digital technology to disseminate an insider’s viewpoint on Roma issues, promote the self-representation and empowerment of Romani activists and challenge centuries-old prejudices about Roma.
The Romedia Foundation’s latest documentary film, Uprooted – Children’s Perspectives on Europe’s Repatriation Policies, entered the top three in the Child and Family Awards category at the 8th Al-Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival (Doha, Qatar, 2012). Teaser available here
The 3Brothers documentary film project just won the ZagrebDox HBO Adria Award for the best Pitch 2013
The Romedia Foundation’s award-winning Mundi Romani – The World through Roma Eyes news documentary series ran on Duna Television, Hungary between 2007 and 2011. Showreel available here
The “I’m a Roma Woman” campaign has been running since 2009 and is to be further developed throughout 2013.
The Internship has the following main objectives:
- To give interns an idea of the audiovisual tools to challenge stereotypes and work on the development of a common, positive and constructive Roma identity
- To provide interns with working experience in professional film production in the Romedia Foundation studio and, when possible, on location at film shoots
- To provide interns with the opportunity to take part in the work of a professional film/television team, especially in the area of translation and multicultural outreach
- To provide interns with insight into the situation of Roma around Europe and the world
- To enable interns to enrich and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies or professional careers
Language Requirement
- Excellent working knowledge and translation abilities in German and Hungarian; and essentially, an advanced level of English is required. Knowledge of any other European language is an asset.
Internship Description
- Preparing reports and replying to queries, filing, linguistic revision of texts
- Internet research on Roma issues
- Support in implementation of the Romedia Foundation’s communications strategy (Web 2.0, press release drafting)
- Film transcription
- Translation – excellent working knowledge of German, Hungarian, and English are required; knowledge of other European languages is an asset
- – Web content development
Working conditions:
- Relevant infrastructure (office space, computer, etc.) will be provided by the Romedia Foundation.
- The Romedia Foundation office has a central location in the Buda side of the city.
Practical information:
- Trainees must hold upon their arrival the proper permit/visa in relation to their country of origin as required by the Hungarian authorities for a 3-month stay.
- The interns must arrange accommodation themselves.
The internship grant:
A small monthly stipend will be provided by the Romedia Foundation.
Please submit your application (CV and motivation letter) by e-mail by
Required application documents:
- Europass CV
- One or two reference/recommendation letter(s) about work experience declared in the CV
- Motivation letter
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