Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency Program 2013 Callfor Applications. The studio program consists of the creative residency for artists and the research residency for curators and theorists. Resident artists are selected through open applications and invitations. The call for application is announced through public media and GCC’s homepage around November. Invited artists are selected among artists recommended through the director’s approval. For the resident artists, GCC offers various programs such as mentoring, lectures, seminars and workshops, supporting active and in-depth creations and research activities.
The outcome of the residency takes different forms, including exhibitions, performances, open studios and publications. The artists are provided with work space, lodging, and in many cases funding for creation. GCC is equipped with exhibition spaces, facilities, workshops, and practice studios for artistic activities in various fields. Mentoring programs invite world-famous artists, curators, art theorists and philosophers, offering critic session and discussion tables that transcend the limitation of genres for resident artists.
● Application period
– Nov. 12, 2012(Mon) ▶ Dec. 14, 2012(Fri)
● Application Deadline
– 6 pm.(Korea Time) on Dec. 14, 2012 (Fri.)
Application Field
Creation residency Program
- Visual arts: painting, sculpture, film/video, new media, architecture, design, photo
- Performing arts: dance, music, performance
- Literature
Allowed to apply for mixed media and other genres not shown above.
Research residency Program
• Curator, performing arts presenter, critic, researcher of other areas
Residency Scope and Period
Creation residency Program: 30 persons/teams approximately
- 1 year:
- Mar. 2013~Feb. 2014
- 6 months
- Mar.~Aug. 2013
- Sep. 2013~Feb. 2014
- 3 months
- Mar.~May 2013
- June~Aug. 2013
- Sep.~Nov. 2013
- Dec. 2013~Feb. 2014
Research residency Program: 4 persons/teams approximately
• Korean
– 6 months
a. Mar.~Aug. 2013
b. Sep. 2013~Feb. 2014
• Foreign
– 3 months
a. Mar.~May 2013
b. June~Aug. 2013
c. Sep.~Nov. 2013
d. Dec. 2013~Feb. 2014
※ Select one from above a, b, c, d.
Support details
Support on space
- Provision of individual studio (1 room for 1 person/team)
- Provision of joint creation space (media lab, carpentry room, seminar room, archive)
Support on program
- Provision of partial support for production cost for exhibition and project
- Provision of opportunities to participate in residency programs (exhibition, community art, workshop, mentoring, training program, etc.)
- Provision of opportunities to participate in international exchange programs
Other support
- Return flight ticket(economy seat): foreign residents and korean residents working/living abroad
- Accident insurance
- Advertisement in Korea and abroad
※ Details will be discussed with Curatorial Team of GCC after being chosen as candidate.
Qualification and Restrictions
- No restrictions on nationality, age, and media
- Compliance with user rules and to actively participate in GCC programs
- Using the studio for more than four days a week
- Permitted to reside with one companion (required to notify beforehand)
- No pets and babies are allowed
How to Apply
- ApplicationPeriod: Nov. 12, 2012 (Mon.)~Dec. 14, 2012 (Fri.)
- ApplicationMethod: Received by email ⇒
- Materials for application
- A copy of application form for residency prescribed form(Download)
- A copy of CV or resume – less than one A4 page
- A copy of passport for international artist
- A copy of residency activity plan – less than one A4 page
- A copy of portfolio (refer to below)
※ In principle, all documents will be digitalized and submitted by email.
※ All documents submitted will not be returned.
Materials for Portfolio
Visual arts
- Image file of less than 20 pieces (less than 1MB per piece)
- Video file of less than 5 minutes (total file size limited to 700MB / video file is only applied to media artists)
Performing arts
- Video file of less than 5 minutes (total file size limited to 700MB)
- Evidentiary documents for the recent three years: catalogue, photo, video, promotional material, etc.
- Verses including poem, etc. : more than 20 pieces
- Novels, plays, fairy stories, proses, etc. : more than 3 short stories, 2 medium-length stories, 1 full-length stories
- Research, investigation, critique, etc. – more than 10 pieces
Research residence (curator, critic, theorist)
More than 10 pieces of catalogue, research, and critique
※ The image file extension should be *.jpg, *.ppt.
※ The video file extension should be *.avi, *.mov, *.wmv.
Selection Procedure and Announcement of Successful Applicants
Selection procedure
- Document screening
- → 1st private screening by experts
- → Announcement of 1st experts result
- → 2nd public interview screening (for candidates passed for 1st review)
- → Final Announcement of Successful Applicants
Schedule of AnnouncementSuccessful Applicants
- 1st announcement of qualifier: expected to be at the end of Jan. 2013
- 2nd public interview screening: expected to be in early Feb. 2013 /International applicants are exempt from the interview.
- Final announcement of Successful Applicants: expected to be in the middle of Feb. 2013
※ Successful Applicants will be notified individually by email and through the homepage.
※ Schedule may be subject to change.
▶ Person in charge of residency program at GCC
- Phone inquiries: 82-(0)32-890-4825/4823
- Email inquiries:
※ Please visit GCC’s web site to download application form and for further details
※ Application form + Guidelines for residency (Download)
101-19 Seongam-ro Danwon-gu Ansan-si Gyeonggi-do
425-886 Korea
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