Colors of Life announces the 2011-12 Fifth Edition of the Colors of Life International Photo Contest. An International Photo Contest providing an opportunity for photographers to submit and exhibit their works in the United States and internationally.
This year’s competition will support the activities of Every Child Matters Education Fund, a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC providing advocacy for various issues of critical importance to children, including:
- Access to affordable, comprehensive health care services
- Early care, learning opportunities and after school programs
- Reducing poverty
- Eliminating violence, neglect and abuse against children in their homes and communities
Globally, misery has a child’s face. According to leading humanitarian organizations fighting global poverty, children suffer disproportionately from misery and mistreatment. By supporting Every Child Matters Education Fund through the 2011-12 International Photo Contest and its visual impact, Colors of Life is harnessing the evocative power of photography to help improve children’s lives.
„Every Child Matters”
Preferred subjects for photographs submitted are those related to the issues focused on by Every Child Matters Education Fund, i.e. health care, education, poverty and violence and abuse, each as it involves children in America. The goal of this year’s competition is to produce a documentary-style exhibition from the 30 finalist photographs that will be utilized by Every Child Matters Education Fund in exhibitions and other events to call attention to its efforts on behalf of children. Given the theme and documentary nature of this year’s competition, the jury will afford significant weight to those submissions adhering closely to the theme in selecting the finalist and prize-winning photos.
Open to all photographers.
All forms of photographic medium are eligible.
Printing and framing of selected finalist images will be provided by Colors of Life with the support of its sponsors.
CALL FOR ENTRIES: May 1st 2011
ENTRY DEADLINE: June 30th 2011
- 1st prize of the Competition will be US$ 1,500
- 2nd prize of the Competition will be US 1,000
- 3rd prize of the Competition will be US$ 500
- Two honorable mention awards will be made among the remaining finalist photographs (no cash prizes)
ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable entry fee of US$ 40.00 entitles each artist to submit up to 3 images.
Each artist can pay the entry fee via:
- A valid PayPal account
- A valid credit card – all major credit cards (Amex, Visa, MasterCard) are accepted for payment of the entry fee via PayPal to the following seller account:
- By international money order or check drawn on a US bank made payable to Colors of Life.
Supported format:
- JPG/JPEG 300 ppi, longest dimension 1900 pixels
- File size should not exceed 2 MB each!
- File name should include artist’s first and last name, image title and number
Example: John_Smith_Child_at_School_1
The 30 final images will be submitted to Ann M. Shumard, Curator of Photographs, National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC, for the selection of the Competition winners: First, second and third prize (US $ 1500,1000, 500 respectively) and two honorable mentions.
In addition, a collective exhibition of the 30 final selected photographs in the Competition will be held in USA in different venues during 2012.
Jury review and voting will be completed by July15, 2011. Finalists will be notified by email shortly after.
All finalist artists must send the selected image(s) in TIFF format (allowing the image to be enlarged to a minimum of 20 x 30 inches) no later than July 30. Details about where to upload the image(s) will be given after the jury selection. Printing and framing of selected finalist images will be provided by Colors of Life with the support of its sponsors. In addition, finalists must send a resume, a brief documentary narrative regarding the selected image(s) and the suggested market value of their image(s) in a Word document by no later than July 30, 2011 to Work which does not meet the specified conditions for exhibition will be disqualified.
The 30 finalist photos may be made available for sale at one or more of the exhibitions or events organized by Colors of Life and Every Child Matters to raise funds in support of the charitable activities of each of these organizations. Artists will receive 50% of their suggested market price if their work is sold, unless the artist wishes to make a tax-deductible donation of such 50% portion. Payments to the artists will be made within 30 days after receipt of proceeds from sales.
Colors of Life reserves the right to reproduce accepted work in connection with competition promotion. Artists retain all other rights. The framed prints of the 30 finalist photographs may subsequently be loaned by Colors of Life to galleries, museums and cultural organizations of high artistic quality. Following the exhibitions and events organized by Colors of Life and Every Child Matters Education Fund in connection with the 2011-12 competition, such finalist prints may be donated to organizations providing support or care for children, i.e. schools, orphanages, hospitals, etc. to be selected by Colors of Life. Submission of an entry to this competition implies acceptance of all conditions stated in these rules.
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