Az Európai Ifjúsági Fórum meghirdette a felhívást a 2016-os Európai Ifjúsági Főváros címre. Az Európa Ifjúsági Fővárosa cím egy éves időtartamra szól, amely idő alatt az adott település megmutathatja elkötelezettségét az ifjúsággal kapcsolatos kulturális-, sport-, politikai- és gazdasági fejlesztések és programok iránt.
Nevezési határidő: 2013. február 20.
The ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) is a title granted by the European Youth Forum to a European city for a period of one year, during which it is given the chance to showcase its youth-related cultural, social, political and economic life and development. The EYC initiative encourages the implementation of new ideas and innovative projects with regards to the active participation of young people in society, and seeks to present a role model for the further development of other European municipalities.
The EYC aims at strengthening the relationship between the local level and the European institutions, giving attention to youth participation at the local level. Together with institutional partners and other relevant stakeholders the EYC aims to empower youth on all levels, in order to encourage them to be more proactive actors in shaping and developing their communities.
The ‘European Youth Capital’ title gives European cities the opportunity to present a multifaceted programme, which highlights the wealth, diversity and common characteristics of Europe’s intergenerational approach, and the empowerment of young people throughout the continent.
The first European Youth Capital was Rotterdam (the Netherlands), in 2009. The European Youth Forum (YFJ) has awarded the EYC 2010 title to Torino (Italy), EYC 2011 to Antwerp (Belgium), EYC 2012 to Braga (Portugal), EYC 2013 Maribor (Slovenia), EYC 2014 Thessaloniki (Greece) and EYC 2015 Cluj Napoca (Romania).
Application Timeline
The EYC 2016 call is being launched on 19th December 2012.
DEADLINE: Candidates may provide a short concept note (please see the concept note form attached to this call) until the first application deadline on 20st February 2013 (23:59 CET), applications received after this date will not be considered.
FEE: The application includes a fee of 250 Euros, to be transferred and paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum account as mentioned in Annex I of this call.
The completed concept note from and annexes should be sent by e-mail to (PDF format; English language only; subject required: “Concept Note EYC 2016_city name”; original [hard-copy] documents may be requested later in the selection process, where necessary).
5 short-listed candidates – applicants fulfilling the criteria mentioned in the call and selected through an online consultation of the jury – will be published on the European Youth Forum’s website on 10th
April 2013. The shortlisted candidates will receive more detailed application forms for the second application deadline.
DEADLINE: The 5 short-listed candidate cities have the possibility to complete the detailed application form by the 2nd application deadline 5th June 2013 (23:59 CET), applications received after this date will not be considered.
FEE: The application includes a fee of 700 Euros, to be transferred and paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum account as mentioned in Annex I of this call.
APPICATION: The completed more detailed application from and annexes should be sent by e-mail to eyc201 (PDF format; English language only; subject required: “Application EYC 2016_city name”; original [hard-copy] documents may be requested later in the selection process, where necessary).
ANNOUNCEMENT: The shortlisted candidates will be receiving recommendations for improvement of the applications developed by the jury and from a Youth Focus Group in letters to the city by 7th August 2013.
DEADLINE: The 5 short-listed candidate cities have the possibility to improve their applications according to the recommendations by the third and final application deadline 14th October 2013 (23:59 CET), applications received after this date will not be considered.
FEE: The 3rd application does not include a fee.
The completed improved application from and annexes should be sent by e-mail to (PDF format; English language only; subject required: “Improved application EYC 2016_city name”; original [hard-copy] documents may be requested later in the selection process, where necessary).
ANNOUNCEMENT: The candidate awarded with the title EYC 2016 will be announced during the European Youth Forum Council of Members between November 22nd- 23rd 2013.
Assesment Procedure
Assessment of the received applications and the final selection of the successful applicant will be made by a jury composed of institutional and civil society youth policy experts, representatives from the private sector, the media, and from local and regional authorities.
Additionally a focus group, composed of youth representatives, will meet after the detailed applications of the shortlisted candidates is received and aims at developing recommendations for improvement to the applicants.
Should you have any questions relating to the application and selection processes, please contac t Magdalena Kurzat the European Youth Forum Secretariat: Additionally we would like to invite you to visit the European Youth Capital website
Please note that in order to ensure a transparent and fair process the YFJ neither (a) starts reviewing application before the application deadline nor (b) convenes meetings with potential candidates.
Explenatory Note
1. How does a city become a European Youth Capital? The title ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) may only be applicable when a European municipality distinguishes itself in a positive way and has an ambitious programme for empowering youth. The title is bestowed by a joint selection jury of European youth organisations and institutional partners
2. A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between the European Youth Capital 2016 and the European Youth Forum, detailing the terms of use of the ‘European Youth Capital’ title, visibility, reporting and other joint elements.
2. Why should a city apply to become the next European Youth Capital?
Without doubt, there are a number of benefits for municipalities that consider applying for selection as a European Youth Capital. – Europe-wide: the EYC programme offers the chance to showcase cultural and professional youth issues. Public recognition is fostered by media and press coverage, which will also increase the reputation and popularity of the city in, for example, the tourist dimension.
- The regional impact will be visible in many respects: the EYC serves as a framework for new projects and ideas and stimulates stronger and more active cultural life throughout the municipality and its neighbouring areas.
- Acquiring additional public funding and new financial donors is made easier, in light of the motivating and encouraging project framework offered by the EYC.
3. Who can apply?
Local authorities can apply. By local authorities, municipalities or groupings of municipalities, such as a metropolitan area, are understood. Local authorities from Member States of the Council of Europe are invited to provide their application. If you are unsure about your eligibility to apply, please contact Magdalena Kurz (
Call for European Youth Capital 2016
Download all you need to apply here.
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