A Globális Kulturális Vezetők program célja a kulturális menedzserek képességeinek javítása, a kollaboratív peer-to-peer tanulás, hálózatépítés és nemzetközi együttműködések kialakítása.
A program egyik fő célja, a kulturális diplomácia platform kialakítása egy új nemzetközi kulturális kapcsolatok stratégiájának kidolgozására. A program a résztvevők résztvevők számára tanulási modulokat, tanítási eszközöket és gyakorlat alapú kézikönyveket biztosít.
Letölthető dokumentum
Jelentkezési határidő: 2016. augusztus 1.
The Global Cultural Leadership Programme is a programme designed to develop and strengthen cultural leadership skills of young practitioners emerging on the international scene. Through its framework, content and methodology, the Global Cultural Leadership Programme specifically aims to improve the skills of cultural managers as well as develop collaborative peer-to-peer learning and networking building. This will enable participants to develop fresh insights into international cultural collaboration practices. The programme offers a set of learning modules, tools and manuals for practice-based learning, giving the participants opportunities to build meaningful collaborations at the global level and within the EU.
The 40 participants of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme will come from different fields of relevant cultural practice in their countries and represent sectors that are specifically interested in reaching out with their work globally.
For the first edition of the programme, the European Cultural Diplomacy Platform will look specifically for applications from outstanding cultural managers who fill in the criteria below:
Geographical criteria:
- are nationals of (and are working for organisations in) Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea or the USA (a maximum of three participants from each of these ten countries will be selected),
- are nationals of (and are working for organisations in) the 28 EU member states (a maximum of ten EU participants in total will be selected, one per EU country) Professional experience:
- work for a cultural civil society organisation (NGO), a cultural enterprise (social or for profitmaking) or a public cultural institution (such as museums, libraries, or music venues that operate on local, regional and national levels)
- have (some) previous experience in international networking and cultural exchange and have relevant working experience in the field of 3 to 5 years
- are working in a field or position that allows them to act as local/national multipliers of new leadership knowledge and global cultural networking
- hold a relevant (leading) position in their organisation
Thematic interest:
- are strongly interested in international cultural collaboration and wish to further develop professionally in a global working context
- show a strong awareness of intercultural sensitivities and are passionate about working on cultural issues and topics of global relevance.
Language criteria and age requirements:
- have a very good working knowledge of English
- are (preferably) 25 – 39 years of age
The first cultural leadership programme will be realised in cooperation with IFACCA – the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies. It will take place in Valletta, Malta from October 16 – 21 and – in order to create thematic synergies with a global outreach – will be organised in parallel to IFACCA’s 7th World Summit on Arts and Culture that will also focus on Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century and participants will attend selected sessions.
All travel and accommodation costs for participants of the Global Learning Programme will be covered by the Cultural Diplomacy Platform.
Candidates who wish to be considered for participation in the first edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme shall submit in one file the following:
- up-to-date CV (not more than two A4 pages and using the attached format)
- expression of interest (not more than 500 words) setting out their motivation to participate.
Expression of interest should outline what participants can bring to the learning group for sharing with their peers during the training. They should also state what they intend to take away, from the training, to their own working realities back home.
- project description: in addition, candidates should provide a description of an ongoing or prospective cultural project (not more than 1000 words, pictures and media support are also accepted) that is being implemented/ is to be implemented in the near future.
- Candidates should specify the following:
- Background and context
- Strategic and specific goals
- Main activities
- Expected results and impact
- Individual implication
Applications (preferably in pdf format) and inquiries shall be sent by e-mail globalculturalprogramme@cultureinexternalrelations.eu .
The deadline for submitting applications is August 1st at 23:59 CET (Brussels) time
Candidates will be selected by the project team of the European Cultural Diplomacy Platform and the 5 experts/tutors who will deliver the programme.
Selected candidates (30 from the ten strategic countries, 10 from the EU) will be informed about their participation by August 20, 2016.
The project team shall take care of all travel preparations (including visas) and bookings, in direct contact with all 40 selected participants.
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