A Canon Foundation in Europe (Canon Alapítvány) kutatói ösztöndíjakat hirdet európai és japán kutatóknak. A jelentkezőknek legalább mesterfokú diplomával vagy doktori fokozattal kell rendelkezniük. Az Alapítvány 15 ösztöndíjas kutató munkáját támogatja. Az ösztöndíj mértéke időarányosan 22500-27500 euró lehet. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013. szeptember 15.
Annually, the Canon Foundation in Europe grants up to 15 Fellowships to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers. European nationals should have permanent citizenship in the country.
The candidates hold a doctorate or at least a Master’s degree. They are eligible during the ten-year period following the successful completion of their PhD or MA degree. Extensions to the ten-year rule are possible in principle in case of exceptional circumstances which should be explained in the application and supporting documents are required. The European Fellowship holders pursue a period of research in Japanwhereas the Japanese Fellows do their research at host institutions in Europe. The Fellowships are awarded for periods of minimum three months and maximum one year. The Fellowships are awardedregardless of discipline and existing employment positions.
Canon Fellows from Europe are free to choose their host institutes and hosts in Japan. The same freedom is given to Japanese Canon Fellows coming to Europe. Canon Foundation Research Fellowships may be applied for when an agreement on co-operation and on a research plan has been reached between the guest researcher and the proposed host institution.
Applications can also be submitted by members of commercial, industrial, governmental or professional organisations.
It is strongly recommended that the candidates obtain the current issue of the application form from this website (download it here) or at the Secretariat of the Foundation, in Amstelveen – the Netherlands.
Application procedure for Fellowships
The annual deadline for applications is September 15.
Consideration of the applications takes several months. The Selection Committee’s final decisions are convened to the applicants before end December of that year. Therefore, the earliest possible date to begin the Fellowship is January 1 of the following year.
Applications should be submitted in full (including the acceptance by the proposed host institute and the research plan) to the Secretariat of the Canon Foundation in Europe well in advance of the deadline.
It is important to note that no correspondence is entered into by the Foundation in regard to decisions taken on any individual application and in view of the large number of applicants, no negative inference should be drawn from the failure of a candidate to secure a Fellowship.
The financial support for Research Fellows ranges from 22,500 Euro to 27,500 Euro per year and pro-rata for different periods. The Canon Foundation gives priority to those who plan to travel to Europe or Japan rather than prolong a current stay.
Download application form for Fellowship
Click below to download a .zip-file of the application form for PC and Mac. The unzipped file contains a folder with HTM-pages and images. Print the guidepage, open the forms in Explorer and start (offline) filling them in. For questions, please contact the Canon Foundation in Europe.
download application form (.zip)
Web: http://www.canonfoundation.org/programmes_1_fellow.html
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