A Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) közzétette pályázati felhívását a Goldfinger Ernő építész hagyatékából magyar építészeknek és építőmérnököknek létrehozott ösztöndíjra. NYERTES PÁLYÁZAT!!!!!
Winner of the 2010 RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship announced
Luca Csepely-Knorr, a landscape architecture graduate and PhD student at the Corvinus University of Budapest, has been awarded the 2010 Goldfinger Scholarship by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The award will go towards her MPhil course at the Art & Design Department, Manchester Metropolitan University during the academic year 2010/11.
Luca receives £14,000 to support her research, and pay for her fees during the academic year. Her research will focus on the work of Béla Rerrich (1881-1932), Hungary’s first town planner and one of the founders of landscape architectural education in Hungary, and Thomas Mawson (1861-1933), an English town planner and the Windermere garden designer.
The RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship has been running since 2002, following a generous donation by Ernö Goldfinger’s family. It provides one grant annually to support a young Hungarian architect through a period of postgraduate study in the fields of architecture, art or associated disciplines or a period of work experience in an UK academic institution or architectural practice.
The jury, which comprised of Michael Goldfinger, James Dunnett, Professor Kit Allsopp, and Ben Stone and Alex Bancroft representing the RIBA, were unanimous in their decision.
Upon receiving her award, Luca Csepely-Knorr said:
‘I am very happy to be the winner of the 2010 RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship. I am honoured that the jury of this prestigious Scholarship appreciated my previous academic and design achievements and found my prospective research at Manchester Metropolitan University promising and worth supporting. I am especially grateful that as a landscape architect I am able to receive an architectural Scholarship, which I hope will help make my profession more well-known and appreciated in my home country. I am sure that the knowledge and skills that I will acquire during my studies in the UK will be of great value to my future academic career. I am very excited about the prospect of living and studying in the UK for a year and I am looking forward to the start of my course in September.’
For information about the RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship contact the RIBA Education Department, on 020 7307 3678, or visit the RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship page on the RIBA website, www.architecture.com
Alex Nelia
Education Projects Coordinator
Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place
London W1B 1AD
T: +44 (0)20 7307 3678
F: +44 (0)20 7307 3754
The RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship 2010
The Royal Institute of British Architects in the United Kingdom (RIBA) is calling for applications to the RIBA Goldfinger Scholarship. In 2010 the Scholarship offers a grant of £14,000 to a Hungarian graduate to undertake postgraduate study or a period of professional experience in the UK. The Scholarship has been offered since 1999 and is enabled through a generous donation by the family of the late architect Ernö Goldfinger.
Who can apply?
The Scholarship is open to Hungarian nationals under the age of 35 who completed five years (or equivalent) degree level study in a recognised Hungarian institution.
What can the Scholarship be used for?
The Scholarship can be used to support a period of postgraduate study in the field of architecture, art and associated disciplines or a period of work experience in an architectural office. Both the postgraduate study and the work experience must last no longer than 12 months.
How to apply for the Scholarship
The deadline for submitting complete Scholarship application forms to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is 2 July 2010. However, all applicants must hold an offer of admission to a UK University or an offer for a work experience placement already at the time of submitting their Scholarship application to the RIBA. Therefore, it is advised to search for course and/or work placement offers as soon as possible.
How to find a University course
Scholarship applicants must hold an offer of admission from a UK University which offers courses validated by the RIBA. The attached Scholarship application from contains a comprehensive listing of such UK universities. The application form can also be downloaded from www.architecture.com/EducationAndCareers/PrizesScholarshipsandBursaries/RIBAGoldfingerScholarship/RIBAGoldfingerScholarship.aspx.
The easiest way to find postgraduate courses provided by the listed Universities is to go to the Universities’ respective web pages and locate the postgraduate course listings. Usually the Universities provide comprehensive information about the courses’ content, entry requirements, admission procedures and tuition fees on their websites. If further information about the courses is required, the Universities’ admissions teams can provide it.
How to find an architectural practice
The RIBA is unable to assist Scholarship applicants in arranging work experience placements in the UK. However, the RIBA operates online directories of architectural practices which are available to the general public: www.architecture.com/UseAnArchitect/Directories.aspx Scholarship applicants might use these directories to find contact details to architectural practices based in the UK, which they would like to approach to enquire about professional placement opportunities. Applicants are not required to limit themselves to the RIBA directories and can use any other search tools they identify.
Further information
Any questions about the Scholarship application form, the application and selection process, RIBA course validation or architectural education in the UK can be directed to Alex Nelia at the Education Department of the RIBA at alex.nelia@inst.riba.org or +44 (0)20 7307 3678.
WeB: http://www.architecture.com/EducationAndCareers/PrizesScholarshipsandBursaries/RIBAGoldfingerScholarship/RIBAGoldfingerScholarship.aspx
Forrás: http://www.tpf.hu/pages/news/index.php?page_id=1027
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