Would you like to go off the beaten path, get to the bottom of things, and give your readers a never-before-seen look at Central and Eastern Europe or China? Or have you discovered a topic in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland that your audience in Central and Eastern Europe or China has to hear about? Would it be easier to conduct research on the story as part of an international team than by going it alone?
We are looking for active journalists who want to go on location to learn, ask questions, dig deeper, and make discoveries in order to incorporate their findings into nuanced political or economic reporting that really gets to the heart of the issue. The Robert Bosch Stiftung is supporting research projects carried out by print and online journalists for the purpose of preparation for publishing articles in Central and Eastern Europe and China, as well as research with the goal of publishing articles in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Journalists can apply for research grants of between 2,000 and 7,000 euros.
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2012.
A selection committee will make its decisions and inform all applicants by December 15, 2012.
Please mail applications to:
Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH
Christiane Käsgen
Heidehofstr. 31
70184 Stuttgart
Or e-mail them (as PDF files) to: research-grants@bosch-stiftung.de
Who are we supporting?
Professional freelance and salaried print and online journalists
- who work for media outlets in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
- or who work in China, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, the Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania.
The grants can go to individuals or – ideally – international teams. In this case, the team must elect a project manager who will act as the contact person and person responsible in all dealings with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Only one application form should be submitted for the entire team; résumés from and information about all the other people involved must also be included.
What are we supporting?
Research projects on economic and political topics for articles to be published in both print and online media
- in Central and Eastern Europe or China with topical relevance to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.
- in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland with topical relevance to Central and Eastern Europe or China.
The grants cover the cost of travel and accommodation, communication, the purchase of research materials, fees for third parties (such as interpreters), as well as daily allowances.
The grants are provided for a maximum research period of three months.
Required documents
Chronological résumé from the applicant and all others involved (if applicable).
Detailed information about the planned research (1–3 pages):
- Research plan: project outline, central questions you seek to answer, method of proceeding (including travel route/duration), research goal, schedule, information on international partnerships with other journalists, if applicable.
- The reason you are applying for a research grant from the Robert Bosch Stiftung for your project (and why it is not being financed by your media organization, for example).
Written letter of intent from the appropriate senior editor of a well-known media outlet regarding the publication of your topic of research (in the case of international partnerships, a written letter of intent to publish from a second country is also desired).
Brief profile of the print media outlet or website that intends to publish your work (only for work published outside of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland).
Three relevant samples of your work (if not available in German or English, then a short summary of the article in German or English).
A list of costs and a financing plan (see enclosed document) with information regarding the use of personal and third-party funds (if applicable) as well as funds applied for from the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Application form
Please send in your application by post or e-mail using the following form: Application form (DOC)
FAQ: FAQ – Journalists on Location Research Grants (PDF)
Source: http://www.bosch-stiftung.de/content/language2/html/8167.asp
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