54 ösztöndíj várja a világ minden részéről azokat a diákokat, akik világpolgárnak érzik magukat a Hágai Egyetemre. Az 5000 eurós ösztöndíjat egy kb. 1000 szavas esszé és a pályázati kritériumoknak való megfeleléssel benyújtásával lehet megkapni. A pályázat benyújtási határideje: 2016 március 31.
Do you consider yourself a global citizen? Then apply for our World Citizen Talent Scholarship.
54 (one-time) scholarships each worth EUR 5,000 are available to prospective bachelor degree students for the 2015-2016 academic year. Our university is an educational united nations of 150 nationalities, where everyone speaks English. You will be taught by both local and international lecturers which will enrich your study period.
International city
The Hague is the perfect home for our university, it is an international city that deserves its title – The International City of Peace & Justice. The vibrant seaside resort of Scheveningen, the historic city centre, international diplomatic community and businesses all add to its international atmosphere.
Are you a Global citizen?
We are seeking young, intelligent, talented and ambitious people who view themselves as citizens of the world. If this sounds like you then check if you are eligible below and apply, all you need to do is complete the application form and write an essay of 950 to 1100 words that would convince us to award you the scholarship.
You are eligible to apply for one of these one-time scholarships if:
- You come from outside the European Union (and not from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or Surinam)
- You are enrolling for the first time and have not studied at any programmes of The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- You are a first year student joining one of our bachelor programmes
- You will have to pay the full institutional tuition fee rate
- You have never applied for this scholarship before
- You have been provisionally accepted as a student (also-called offer of student position) on or before 1 May 2016
The scholarship application process
- Step 1 – First apply to the Bachelor programme of your choice
- Step 2 – Write an essay: When writing your essay, try picturing yourself as a member of this community. In the essay, describe your cultural background and explain why and how you can contribute to the multinational, multicultural beehive that is The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Check the essay guidelines before you start writing.
- Step 3 – Submit your essay by completing the scholarship application form between 1 November 2015 – 31 March 2016.
Scholarship assessment and results
The university has appointed a committee to judge all essays. The judges will select the 54 students whose essays will have impressed them most and award the scholarships to them. The decision of the jury will be binding. You will be informed about the results via email before 15 May 2016.
Please note that you will only be awarded the scholarship after you have been conditionally accepted and have meet all terms and conditions of enrolment. You will receive the scholarship amount of € 5.000, after your arrival in The Hague and have set up a Dutch bank account.
By submitting your essay, you are giving us the right to publish it, if we wish so. We will also expect the lucky winners to help us with evaluations, and developments regarding the internationalisation of our institute.
If you have any questions before you apply, please send an email to talentscholarship@hhs.nl.
Click on the banner ‘Regulations for financial aid programmes’ and you will find detailed information regarding this scholarship programme.
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