A Kanadisták Európai Szövetsége és az Európai Bizottság négy hetes intenzív kanadai tanulmányutat hirdet felsőoktatásban tanuló hallgatók számára, melynek során a résztvevők számos fontos kanadai intézményt látogathatnak és ismerhetnek meg több kanadai városban. A pályázók egy része a tanulmányutat követően két hónapos kanadai gyakornoki programban is részt vehet.
Pályázati határidő: 2012. április 30.
További részletek és online jelentkezés: www.thinking-canada.eu
EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2012 –“Thinking Canada”
“Thinking Canada” is a joint initiative of the European Network for Canadian Studies and the European Commission – a four-week study tour to Canada for European students that will take place from 2 – 30 September 2012, followed by two-month internships for selected participants. The tour to Canada commences with three days of briefings in Brussels on the EU and EU-Canada relations.
The aim of the study tour is to offer its participants a unique in-depth experience of Canada through an intensive programme of visits to major private and public institutions, government bodies, think tanks and NGOs. At each place, the students will receive briefings and have the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of these bodies, many of them leading experts in their fields. The tour will begin in Brussels, and travel to Ottawa, Québec, Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria.
This immersion in Canada will offer a unique opportunity for an academic experience in a non-academic setting. The tour is focused on a number of themes, in particular cultural diversity (including the English/French relationship, the First Nations and multiculturalism), political issues (federalism, regionalism, the role of government), the environment (including Arctic issues), urban issues and economic topics (business, finance, trade). EU-Canada relations will also be covered and provide a recurring backdrop to the discussions. Academic advisors will be accompanying the tour to serve as resource persons and provide feedback.
In addition to the tour, nine two-month internships will be offered to participants immediately following the end of the tour.
For further information on the tour, its programme, internships, cost and how to apply, see the tour’s website atwww.thinking-canada.eu.
Deadline for applications: Monday 30 April 2012
Contact: All enquiries concerning the EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2011 should be sent to the Executive Director, Don Sparling, at
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