A Xipax.com az ADCE-vel (Art Directors Club of Europe) és a Golden Drummal együttműködésben online zajló kreatívversenyt hirdetett Xipax-Award néven.
A versenyen azok a reklámok vehetnek részt, melyeket 2007 és 2009 között készítettek és 2010. január elejétől április 5-ig töltöttek fel a Xipax.com-ra.
Beküldési határidő: 2010 április 5.
A verseny lebonyolítása teljes mértékben online történik, a nevezéstől kezdve a zsűrizésen át. A jelentkezés ingyenes.
Az alkotásokat a felhasználók értékelik, ebből alakul majd ki egy tizes shortlist. A díjazottakról végül egy szakemberekből álló zsűri dönt, melyet az ADCE delegál majd.
A nyertes egy ingyenes egész hetes portorozsi részvételt nyer a Golden Drum Reklámfesztiválra, továbbá két egynapos belépőt is kiosztanak, melyek a díjátadóra is szólnak.
Forrás: Kreatív Online
In cooperation with ADC*E, the Art Directors Club of Europe, and the Golden Drum Advertising Festival, XIPAX is initiating the second creative competition worldwide to be operated exclusively online. All ads that were published from 2007 to 2009 and are uploaded to XIPAX.com from 1st January 2010 until 5th April 2010 are eligible for the competition. The XIPAX AWARD 2010 takes place 100% online – from the submission to the judging and the announcement of the winners. The participation is for free.
The XIPAX users will shortlist the top 10 ads via online voting. The winners will then be judged by a qualified panel of leading creative professionals: the board members of ADC*Europe from 18 countries.
The winner of the XIPAX AWARD wins one FREE PARTICIPATION for the whole week of the Golden Drum Advertising Festival 2010 and two tickets for one day at the Festival including the entrance to the award ceremony.
The first XIPAX-Award in 2009 was won by the German Agency Euro RSCG for their campaign “Transparent-Man”. This campaign was also awarded by some other competitions during the last year.
Competition Period:
All ads that are uploaded to www.xipax.com from 01.01.2010 until 05.04.2010 are eligible for the competition.
Every agency and every advertiser around the world who submits its work on XIPAX.com during the competition period is eligible to participate. Only ads which were published in 2007, 2008 and 2009 will take part in the competition. Ads published in other years can be uploaded anytime, but will not participate in the contest.
You can only submit your work online. The entries can be submitted in eight media groups: Film, Radio, Press, Outdoor, Direct, Interactive, Integrated and Mobile. The winner will be selected across the categories. Participation is free, there are no fees for submitting your ads and there is no limitation to the number of submissions.
The XIPAX Users will preselect the top 10 entries by rating the ads online during the competition period. Each registered user can only vote for each ad one time. The final winner of the XIPAX AWARD will be selected by a professional jury: the board of the Art Directors Club of Europe (ADC*E). The judging will take place on 18.04.10
Presentation of the winner:
The winner of the XIPAX AWARD will be announced online at www.xipax.com on 20.04.10 .
The winner of the XIPAX AWARD wins a FREE PARTICIPATION for the whole week of the Golden Drum Advertising Festival 2010 and two tickets for one day at the Festival including the entrance to the award ceremony.
Web: http://www.xipax.com/xipax-award/
Forrás: http://www.xipax.com/xipax-award/
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