We are announcing that we would like to put security service out to tender as follows:
1. Information
Service Name: Security Service for The residence of Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
Address: 1121, Mátyás király út 14c, Budapest, Hungary
Term: 2023.Jan.1. – 2023. Dec. 31
Scope: Everyday(Including Saturday, Suday, Holidays), Night watch(22:00 – 08:00)
Basic cost: USD 32,745 Lower limit rate*: 87.995%
*Proposal over 87.995% of the cost estimate, ±2% of the basic cost, is valid
A. The tenderer must be qualified according to either relative Hungarian law or Korean Law.
B. The tenderer in the process of liquidation, merger, acquisition or is planning anyof these processes, shall not participate in tendering.
C. Deadline for tender submission is until January 18th, can be exteded if necessary.
2. Site visit
ᄋ The tenderer who submit the Required documents and qualify the criteira, will be invited.
4. Presentation of tender
A. Required documents
– Application and comittment
– Copy of the business license or legal document
– Financial status
– Reference
Download documents
Call for tender for 2023(CHANGED)
Application and commitment_2023
B. Email to submit : hungary@mofa.go.kr, swlee18@mofa.go.kr(CC)
※ Further inquiry
○ Embassy
– Tel : +36 (1) 462 3086
– Email : hungary@mofa.go.kr, swlee18@mofa.go.kr(CC)