This program shall recognize a number of foreign universities at which Japanese language courses are taught actively and to a high standard as a “designated foreign university.” The purpose of this program is to provide a stable and successive environment giving foreign students majoring in Japanese language studies from a designated foreign university the opportunity to study in Japan. In doing so, these students will be able to improve their language skills and enhance their understanding of Japan, thus contributing to the development of Japanese language education overseas.
Application Requirements
Scholarship applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
- (a) Applicants must be undergraduate students majoring in Japanese language studies as a compulsory subject, enrolled at a designated foreign university (as stipulated by the Heiwa Nakajima Foundation), and recommended by their university.
- (b) Applicants must study in Japan for a period of one year in accordance with an inter-university exchange agreement.
- (c) Applicants must begin their overseas studies in Japan between April 2013 and October 2013.
- (d) Applicants must maintain their enrollment as undergraduate students at their home universities throughout their study in Japan.
- (e) Applicants’status of residence must be “college student”.
- Students who have studied at a Japanese university for more than six months are not eligible
- Students who have a bachelor’s degree of any kind are not eligible.
- Students who have previously received a scholarship from the Foundation are not eligible.
Number of Applicants Sought: 50 applicants (one applicant from each designated foreign university)
Scholarship Payments
Monthly stipend: ¥120,000
Preparation and travel expenses: Amount to be determined by the Foundation
In principle, scholarships (monthly stipends) shall be paid once every three months via bank transfer to the account in Japan which is under the scholarship student’s name.
Preparation and travel expenses shall be paid via bank transfer after the scholarship student arrives in Japan.
Notes: This scholarship cannot be received together with any other scholarships – Scholarship Disbursement Period – Maximum of 12 months.
Application Documents
- FY2013 scholarship application form (Form 1)
- Scholarship student recommendation (Form 2)
- Recommendation and overseas study plan (Form 3)
Application deadlines
Students who will be in Japan starting from April 2013 —– November 30, 2012
Students who will be in Japan starting from September or October 2013 —– April 30, 2013
Application Method
- (a) The designated foreign university shall select one recommended student and send to the Foundation a Certificate of Application Requirements of Invited Foreign Scholarship Student as an e-mail attachment.
- (b) After receiving from the Foundation notification that the recommended student meets the application requirements, the designated foreign university shall send scholarship application documents (Forms 1, 2 & 3) to the Foundation.
Note: Procedures for application for exchange studies to accepting universities (partner universities) in Japan shall be conducted by the designated foreign university.
Selection and Notification of Decision
After the Director of the Foundation has made the decision regarding the student recommended by the designated foreign university through the screening of documents by the selection committee, the Foundation shall send a notification of appointment of the scholarship student.
* Designated Foreign Universities: Australian National University; National Taiwan University; Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Warsaw University; National University of Mongolia; University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); University of Michigan; Chulalongkorn University; Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientale (INALCO); Cairo University; Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Humboldt University; Jawaharlal Nehru University; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Leiden University; National University of Singapore; Dalian University of Foreign Languages; University of Vienna; Charles University Prague; University of British Columbia; Universidade de Sao Paulo; University of Indonesia; University of Malaya; The University of Auckland; University of Manila; Universita degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Dublin City University; Bucharest University; University of Zurich; Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University; Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies; Ankara Universitesi; Stockholms Universitet; Eotvos Lorand University; University of Belgrade; Kyrgyz State National University; Vilnius University; Kazakh National University ; Sofia University ; Damascus University; Royal University of Phnom Penh; University of Latvia; University of Copenhagen; National University of Laos; University of Oslo; Comenius University; Belarusian State University; Moscow State University; University of Ljubljana
< Important Notes >
1. Scholarship Student Obligations
- (a) Submission of written pledge
- (b) Submission of academic transcript: End of each semester
- (c) Submission of living conditions report: Every three months (four times a year)
- (d) Visit to the Foundation office: Within one month of arriving in Japan
- (e) Attendance of an overseas students gathering: Held in June or July
Suspension or Termination of Scholarship Payments
The Foundation may suspend or terminate any or all scholarship payments under any of the following conditions:
Suspension or Termination of Scholarship Payments
- (a) When a scholarship student fails to meet any of the above-stipulated Scholarship Student Obligations.
- (b) When a scholarship student loses status as an enrolled student at his or her home or host university.
- (c) When there are no prospects that a scholarship student will continue his or her studies because of illness or other reasons.
- (d) When a scholarship student is absent for an extended period of time without reason.
- (e) When a scholarship student has made any false statements on his or her application documents.
- (f) When a scholarship student engages in any conduct that is inappropriate for a scholarship student.
Invited Foreign Scholarship Students Manager
Contact Information
Heiwa Nakajima Foundation
Ark Mori Bldg., 33rd Floor,
1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6033 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5570-5261
Fax: +81-3-5570-5421
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