A Théophile Legrand Textil Innovációs díj, 8000 és 7000 euróval díjazza a legeredetibb és a leghasznosabb,ipari folyamatokba is átültetethető ötleteket.
A pályázatok meghosszabbított határideje: 2018. 02.05.
Abban az esetben, ha valaki nem tudná benyújtani a szükséges dokumentumokat fel kell venni a kapcsolatot Hubert Dupot-val 2018. 02.05. 17 óráig!!!!!!
” Following the request of potential participants, the response time for the calls for applications has been extended until 05 February 2018 at 17h. Thank you for sending us your complete file through this email: prixtheophilelegrand@textile.f
If this deadline is still too short, thank you to signal your intention to apply no later than Monday, February 5, before 17h and to negotiate directly with Hubert du Potet, the new coordinator of the Prix Théophile Legrand, to get a few extra days, so gather all the information and documents requested.
For information, the members of the committee of selection of the laureates will meet on February 19th in Paris. We wish to send them the candidates’ files at least one week before this date.
After having coordinated the Théophile Legrand Prize since its creation in 2009, my new professional obligations have not forced me to pass the baton to the Union des Industries Textiles. Hubert du Potet is now in charge of coordinating the general organization of the 2018 competition. You can contact him at +33 (0) 1 47 56 31 48 or by email: prixtheophilelegrand@textile.f
I continue to collaborate with the Théophile Legrand Foundation and I am therefore at your disposal for any further information.
I am counting on you to disseminate this information to all your contacts who may apply for this Prize.”
Letölthető dokumentumok
Booklet Textile Innovation Award 2018 – English
Livret Prix Theophile Legrand 2018 – Francais
Információ Theophile Legrand Award 2018:
Hubert du Potet, a Théophile Legrand nemzetközi textil-innovációs díjának koordinátora 2018
Union of Textile Industries (ITU)
B.P. 121 – 92582 CLICHY Cedex – Franciaország
Kapcsolat: +33 (0) 1 47 56 31 48 vagy +33 (0) 1 47 56 31 49
E-mail: pricetheophilelegrand@textile.fr
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