Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Emberség Erejével Alapítvány játékkészítő pályázat

Az Emberség Erejével Alapítvány játékkészítő pályázatot hirdet 13-30 éves fiatalok számára az emberi jogok és a demokrácia témakörében.

A játékok műfaja és konkrét témája szabadon választható, a lényeg, hogy kapcsolódjon az emberi jogokhoz és gondolkodtassa el a játékost.

A kiválasztott pályaművek megjelennek a Dignity W@rld felületein is.

A nyertesekről nemzetközi zsűri dönt, a győztesek Samsung Tabletet kapnak ajándékba.

További infók a linkre kattintva:

What kind of games?
Dignity W@rld is a ‘virtual playground’ about human right topics where you get to know better global challenges, basic human rights and social issues through online games
Presentation of Dignity W@rld project:

You can develop your game in any genre (action, adventure, brain game, strategy, etc.) the only thing which is important that it has to be connected somehow to human rights. Possible topics for example: active citizenship, children’s rights, gender equality, migration and refugees, prejudices and stereotypes, racism. The aim of the games to present the topic and to show a human rights perspective and to make the gamers think and develop their own poit of view.

Who can be a developer?
Anybody who like games and aged between 13 and 30. You don’t have to be an IT expert, you don’t have to write codes, there is many possibilities on the web what you can use freely and you can create games with them. Some examples:
Of course if you are an IT expert feel free to start programing and create your very own game 🙂

Is there any prize?
The winners will be chosen by the international project team in 2 age categories (14-18 and 18+). The best developers will get a Samsung Galaxy T560 Galaxy Tab. The project team also decides about which games will be posted on Dignity W@rld website ( and facebook group.

How you can apply?
Each developer can apply with maximum 2 games with sending the links of the games to the following e-mail address: Deadline for application is 10th of June. If you have more questions don’t afraid to contact us on the same e-mail.