Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Alkotóházi ösztöndíj New Yorkba

visegrad found Alkotóházi ösztöndíjat hirdet New Yorkba a Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap. A Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap alkotóházi ösztöndíjat hirdet a Visegrádi Négyek országai képzőművészeinek New Yorkba (Egyesült Államok). Az ösztöndíjra csak angolul jól beszélő és író, végzett művészek pályázhatnak. Az ösztöndíj időtartama három hónap, a magyar pályázók számára 2011. április 1-jétől november 30-ig tart.
Pályázati határidő: 2010. december 20.

Visegrad Artist Residency Program in New York

Incepted in 2010 under the coop­er­a­tion with Futura Prague and the Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn the VARP in New York pro­gram facil­i­tates artist res­i­den­cies for visual artists from the Visegrad Group (V4) coun­tries in New York City. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their pre­vi­ous work, their poten­tial con­tri­bu­tion to the res­i­dency stay in New York, as well as the poten­tial ben­e­fit they can draw from the pro­gram. One artist per V4 coun­try will be selected.

Deadline for appli­ca­tions: 20 December 2010

1. Who can apply? Visual artists who are cit­i­zens of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.

2. Under what con­di­tions can one apply?

  1. Applicants must have a very good knowl­edge of English both spo­ken and written.
  2. When apply­ing the appli­cants must have fin­ished all other schol­ar­ship projects (schol­ar­ships or VARP projects) financed by the Fund; simul­ta­ne­ous appli­ca­tions within VARP are not per­mit­ted. Those whose pre­vi­ous VARP appli­ca­tions have not been approved can apply only after 3 years.
  3. Students can­not apply, i.e. appli­cants who are enrolled in Bachelor’s or Master’s pro­grams at any uni­ver­sity at the time of apply­ing can­not be considered.
  4. Applicants agrees to donate an art­work of his/her choice in the approx­i­mate value of res­i­dency accom­mo­da­tion in the given area (more infor­ma­tion: ondrejat
  5. Preferred will be those appli­cants who have not yet received arts schol­ar­ship in New York.

3. What’s the length of the res­i­dency? When do the projects take place?

Each res­i­dency is intended for 3 months. There are the fol­low­ing lim­i­ta­tions (please note that changes in the terms are not possible):

  • Czech and Hungarian cit­i­zens take up their res­i­den­cies between March 1 and May 31
  • Polish and Slovak cit­i­zens between September 1 and November 30.

4. Where will the res­i­dency take place?

The stu­dio is at Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn, NY. Accommodation is secured with Futura at 950 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, NY.

5. How much is the support?

€4,000 per project-this sum shall cover the liv­ing and travel costs and other costs related to the residency.

Quick links/downloads:

On-line Application Form
Application form—sample [ download button .pdf, 245 KB ]

Further infor­ma­tion: Dana Pekaríková, Program Manager
