Alkotóházi ösztöndíjat hirdet New Yorkba a Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap. A Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap alkotóházi ösztöndíjat hirdet a Visegrádi Négyek országai képzőművészeinek New Yorkba (Egyesült Államok). Az ösztöndíjra csak angolul jól beszélő és író, végzett művészek pályázhatnak. Az ösztöndíj időtartama három hónap, a magyar pályázók számára 2011. április 1-jétől november 30-ig tart.
Pályázati határidő: 2010. december 20.
Visegrad Artist Residency Program in New York
Incepted in 2010 under the cooperation with Futura Prague and the Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn the VARP in New York program facilitates artist residencies for visual artists from the Visegrad Group (V4) countries in New York City. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their previous work, their potential contribution to the residency stay in New York, as well as the potential benefit they can draw from the program. One artist per V4 country will be selected.
Deadline for applications: 20 December 2010
1. Who can apply? Visual artists who are citizens of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.
2. Under what conditions can one apply?
- Applicants must have a very good knowledge of English both spoken and written.
- When applying the applicants must have finished all other scholarship projects (scholarships or VARP projects) financed by the Fund; simultaneous applications within VARP are not permitted. Those whose previous VARP applications have not been approved can apply only after 3 years.
- Students cannot apply, i.e. applicants who are enrolled in Bachelor’s or Master’s programs at any university at the time of applying cannot be considered.
- Applicants agrees to donate an artwork of his/her choice in the approximate value of residency accommodation in the given area (more information:
- Preferred will be those applicants who have not yet received arts scholarship in New York.
3. What’s the length of the residency? When do the projects take place?
Each residency is intended for 3 months. There are the following limitations (please note that changes in the terms are not possible):
- Czech and Hungarian citizens take up their residencies between March 1 and May 31
- Polish and Slovak citizens between September 1 and November 30.
4. Where will the residency take place?
The studio is at Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn, NY. Accommodation is secured with Futura at 950 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, NY.
5. How much is the support?
€4,000 per project-this sum shall cover the living and travel costs and other costs related to the residency.
Further information: Dana Pekaríková, Program Manager
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