Az Izraeli Kormány külföldi diákok számára ösztöndíj pályázatokat hirdet. Az ösztöndíjra magyar állampolgárok is pályázhatnak. Az ösztöndíjak típusai: (1) Nyári nyelvtanfolyamok (2) 1 tanévre szóló ösztöndíjak vagy kutatási ösztöndíjak. Alapvető követelmények: (1) legalább BA vagy BSC diploma, jó tanulmányi eredmény, (2) 35 év alatti állampolgár, (3) angol vagy héber nyelvtudás és (4) a kérelmezőnek meg kell felelnie az adott Izraeli Egyetem tanulmányi követelményeinek. Az ösztöndíj mértéke lehet rész- vagy éves ösztöndíj. Ezek tartalmazzák az egészségbiztosítást, a tandíj költségét és a havi ösztöndíjat. A pályázatok benyújtásának határideje: 2013 november 30.
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada (Quebec Province), China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Moldova, The Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Republic of Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.
Only citizens of these countries may apply.
Different types of scholarships are offered:
- Summer language courses (Ulpan)
- One academic year, or Research scholarships
Basic Requirements:
- The applicant must hold a BA or BSc degree (or higher) and have a good record of academic achievement.
- The applicant must be a citizen of the country where he/she applies for the scholarship and be under the age of 35.
- Proof of English or Hebrew language knowledge.
- The applicant should meet the academic requirements of the Israeli University that he/she applies to. Scholarship will be approved only after the required institute approves the acceptance of the candidate.
Terms and Conditions:
- Terms and conditions of the scholarship will change every year according to the yearly budget.
- The scholarship could be partial, or in rare cases full.
- Partial scholarship will include health insurance and tuition fees OR a monthly allowance for one academic year (8 months only). Full scholarship will include tuition fees, a monthly allowance and basic health insurance.
- Accommodation, transportation and travel arrangements to and from Israel are the applicant’s responsibility.
- Scholarships will be granted only in universities and programs approved by the Ministry.
- Scholarships for Ulpan language studies will be granted in the Ulpan chosen by the Ministry only.
- First priority will be given to candidates applying for a post doctorate program and to research students. Second priority will be given to PhD Students and to MA students. Third priority will be given to candidates for overseas programs.
Submission of Application:
Applications should include:
- Completed application form
* Download application instructions and forms - Detailed letter describing the field the applicant intends to study in Israel, specifying the University he/she wishes to attend
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copies of letters exchanged with Israeli universities or the Israeli supervisor (in the case of a research or post doctorate)
- Official original academic records (or notarized copies) of all relevant studies and test scores, diplomas attesting the completion of an academic degree, including a transcript of the student’s records
- At least two (2) letters of recommendation from lecturers/professors who taught the candidate
- Three (3) photographs
- Certificate of health
All of the above should be printed in English and submitted in three (3) copies to the Israeli embassy in the applicant’s country.
Date for the submission of application forms is different in each country but normally is no later than November 30, 2013.
It is very advisable to contact your local Israeli embassy to verify the date for submitting applications and to receive more detailed information concerning the process of choosing the candidates for scholarship from your country.
Final decision regarding the granting of a scholarship will be made around May each year.
The embassy will notify the candidate of his/her acceptance to the scholarship program.
For more details, please write to the following e-mail address:
Link: Scholarships offered by the Israeli government to foreign students
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