The Clarendon Fund funded Full time and Part time Masters and DPhil Scholarships for International Students at University of Oxford, UK.
Study Subject(s): All subject areas
Course Level:Master’s (MSt, MSc, BCL/MJur, MBA, MFE, MPhil, BPhil, MSc by Research, MTh) and DPhil
Scholarship Provider: The Clarendon Fundű
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
All applicants for graduate study at the University of Oxford are eligible. Clarendon scholars come from all continents in the world: from the USA to Australia, Venezuela to Vietnam and from Norway to Nigeria. Scholarships are tenable in all subject areas and open to candidates who will be starting a new course. All degree-bearing courses at graduate level are eligible.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Clarendon Scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic merit and potential to graduate students from all around the world. Scholarships are tenable in all subject areas and open to candidates who will be starting a new course.
What it covers:All Clarendon Scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses. The grant for living expenses for scholars on a full-time in 2010-11 is GBP£13,590, which is normally sufficient to cover the living expenses of a single student living in Oxford. Scholars on a part-time course receive a pro-rata amount of the full-time grant for living expenses. Part-time Master’s scholars are offered 1/3 of the full-time grant per year for two years. Part-time DPhil scholars are offered 1/6 of the full-time grant per year for six years.
How to Apply: Online
Duration of Scholarship
Clarendon Scholarships are offered for the full period that you are liable to pay tuition fees to the University, which is usually the same as the length of your course. The fee liability page of the Fees and Funding website explains this in full detail, and also gives information about charges that may be applied after the standard period of fee liability has been reached and which are not covered by the Clarendon Fund.Scholarships are subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Graduate Admissions for 2013-14 is Friday 18 January 2013 (or 4 January for Medical Sciences, Philosophy, Politics and International Relations)
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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