Múzeumok közötti partnerségek, együttműködések támogatása az Egyesült Államokon kívűli múzeumok kutatóinak, kiállításokon dolgozó kurátorainak utazási támogatásával. A támogatás mértéke $2,000-$5,000. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013 március 01.
To encourage and enrich international partnerships between art museums, and to enable curators outside the United States both to learn more about historical American art and to develop exhibitions of American art at their home institutions, the foundation offers two types of Exhibition Research and Development Grants: Convening Grants for Internationally Collaborative Exhibitions and Curatorial Travel Grants to the United States. Applications will be judged competitively on an annual basis beginning in spring 2011.
An institution may apply for a convening and/or travel grant even if it has applied separately, or will be applying separately, for general exhibition support for the same project. Proposals for convening and/or travel grants and proposals for general exhibition support are considered on their own merits; grant approval in one program does not guarantee grant approval in the other.
Proposals are due March 1, 2013, for travel between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. Awards will be announced May 1, 2013.
Curatorial Travel Grants to the United States
- These travel grants allow international curators to travel to the United States to research and develop specific exhibition ideas about any aspect of historical American art (except architecture, conservation, or film) by visiting public and private art collections, archives, libraries, and meeting with U.S.-based curators.
- Only curators permanently employed by a museum outside the United States will be considered at this time.
- Applicant must detail the exhibition idea(s) to be researched, resources to be consulted in the United States, and the use of any funding. Preference will be given to exhibition ideas with innovative approaches that will result in new scholarship and to a clear and well-researched itinerary that includes meeting specialists.
- Foundation staff and external reviewers will be asked to suggest additional, relevant resources of which the applicant may be unaware; if awarded a grant, the applicant would be encouraged, and in some cases required, to pursue such suggestions.
- Funding is available for travel, lodging, meals, and research fees and expenses. (Due to the fact that lodging costs vary greatly by city, it is advisable to research local costs in preparing a budget.)
- Grants range from $2,000 to $5,000 each.
Download the International Curatorial Travel Grants application.
Web: http://www.terraamericanart.org/grants/exhibition-research-programs/
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