A KulturKontakt Austria és az Osztrák Oktatási-, Művészeti- és Kulturális Minisztérium meghírdette rezidencia programját a 2014. évre. A pályázat 50 helyet biztosít a pályázók számára. Pályázhatnak művészek, írók, zeneszerzők, kurátorok és művészeti oktatók a felsorolt szakterületeken: képzőművészet, fotózás, fotóművészet, videó művészet, média art, design, irodalom, fordítás, kortárs tánc és koreográfia. A pályázók életkori határa a szakterülettől függ 35 vagy 40. év. A pályázatok beküldési határideje: 2013 május 31.
In co‐operation with KulturKontakt Austria, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture makes available 50 residencies in Vienna for the year 2014.
This call is open to artists, writers, composers, curators and art educators whose place of residence is outside of Austria.
The residencies are available for the following disciplines:
- Visual arts
- Art photography
- Video and media art
- Design
- Composition
- Literature and literary translation
- Contemporary dance and choreography
In addition, art educators and curators are also invited to apply.
The residency is designed to offer an opportunity to familiarise oneself with the Austrian art and culture environment and to make contact with Austrian creative artists.
Residents are expected to complete a project during their stay.
Length of stay varies as a function of the artistic discipline:
- Residency of 3 months for visual artists, art photographers, designers, composers, video and media artists
- Residency of 1‐2 months for writers and literary translators
- Residency of 2 months for contemporary dancers and choreographers
- Residency of 1 month for curators and art educators
General requirements
A (basic) command of the German and/or English language
Age limits
- 35 years max for the visual arts, art photography, design, video and media arts
- 40 years max for literature, literary translation, composition, contemporary dance and choreography, art education and curators
Special requirements
For the visual arts / photography / design / video and media art / literature and literary translation / composition
The following documents have to be submitted before the deadline:
- Proof of artist training
- Proof of several years of free‐lance artistic practice
- Writers are required to furnish a detailed list of publications and/or specimen copies of publications
- A motivation letter (no more than 2 DIN A4 pages) specifying current artistic interests and projects as well as expected benefits/outcomes of the residency
- A completed application form, a CV and a description of the project to be executed during the stay in Austria
- Documentation of previous artistic work (e.g. catalogues, photo dossiers, CD or DVD )
- Letter of recommendation
Four copies of all application documents required. Please do not send originals.
Contemporary dance and choreography
The residency is offered in co‐operation with Tanzquartier Wien and addresses performers and choreographers who have already staged their own choreographies.
The following documents have to be submitted before the deadline:
- A completed application form and a CV
- A motivation letter (no more than 2 DIN A4 pages) specifying current artistic interests and projects as well as expected benefits/outcomes of the residency
- Documentation material on completed and ongoing work
- Demonstration videos (preferably to be accessed through the Internet), in which the applicant can be clearly identified
- Letter of recommendation
Four copies of all application documents required. Please do not send originals.
Art educators and curators
The applicants have to furnish proof of experience and/or previous work in this area.
The following documents have to be submitted before the deadline:
- A completed application form and a CV
- A motivation letter (no more than 2 DIN A4 pages) specifying current artistic interests and projects as well as expected benefits/outcomes of the residency
- Documentation material on completed and ongoing work
- Letter of recommendation
Four copies of all application documents required. Please do not send originals.
What can be expected from the residency?
- Accommodation subject to availability, either in an apartment at the Schloss Laudon Parkdependance (14th district) or a room in a flat in Vienna’s 3rd or 9th district
- Use of a community studio in Vienna’s 2nd district and in Schloss Laudon, and/or use of outdoor premises within the Schloss Laudon site
- Contribution to cost of living expenses of € 800 per month; in case of absence exceeding 7 days, a pro‐rata share of cost‐of‐living expenses will be paid.
- One‐time contribution to art supplies of up to € 300 upon submission of receipts; not applicable to the areas of dance and choreography, curators, art education, writers and literary translators
- Accident and health insurance; insurance cover excludes chronic disease and dental work
- Residents at the Schloss Laudon Parkdependance are provided with a mobile internet connect stick including SIM‐card for the duration of their residency. Notebooks will not be provided. The flats in the 3rd and 9th district have internet connection.
- For the duration of the stay, a cell‐phone with a one‐time prepaid credit in the amount of € 40 will be made available to the residents.
- Residents will also receive monthly passes for public transport in Vienna for the duration of their stay
- Regular cleaning service for the living quarters and change of bed‐linen and towels will be provided.
- In principle, a presentation of works may be arranged towards the end of the residency.
No financial support can be provided for the production of catalogues, translations, book releases and performances.
Mentoring and Networking
During their stay in Vienna, the artists in residence will be made familiar with the art scene and cultural environment. Activities on offer include visits at galleries, studios and museums, contacts to the literature and publishing sector, as well as access to Vienna’s music life. Whenever possible, the residents will receive free tickets for art and book fairs, performances at the Tanzquartier, the international ImPuls Tanz dance festival and other events.
All participants have the possibility of participating actively in the Artists‐in‐Residence‐go‐to‐School‐Programme of KKA (the programme includes reading events and workshops at Austrian schools).
Download documents
Applications shall be submitted as of now until no later than 31 May 2013 (date of postmark) to the
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
Abteilung V/6
Concordiaplatz 2
A‐1014 Wien
In case of questions please contact: charlotte.sucher@bmukk.gv.at or call us at 0043‐1‐53120‐6860.
Deadline for applications: 31 May 2013 (date of postmark).
The application form is attached on this website as a pdf.
The artists in residence will be selected by sector‐specific expert juries. The juries will only consider complete applications. The applicants will be informed about the result of the jury session in writing.
Application documents will not be returned.
The grants are funded by the Austrian Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture within the framework of its Artists‐in‐Residence‐Programme. KulturKontakt Austria acts as an advisor and organisational support.