Március 1-től május 1-ig újra lesz teknősmentés Törökországban. Bár a teknősök ilyenkor úton vannak, sokat segíthetsz a part letakarításában, új fák ültetésében.
Ha még nem tudod, mi az EVS, itt olvashatsz róla bővebben: www.messzelato.hu/evs
Jelentkezési határidő: 2012. január 10. (A határidőt a jelentkezők számától függően kitolhatjuk még.)
Angol nyelvű önéletrajzot küldj a kati(kukac)messzelato(pont)hu e-mail címre. A tárgyban szerepeljen ez: „EVS in Turkey, Emergency Steps For Nature”
A programról részletes leírást itt olvashatsz!
Project environment
Fethiye is located in South Aegean of Turkey and is a town of Mugla City. There s a population of 72000 main economic sources of the area are agriculture and tourism. İn the region there are jungles and forest hosting wild life like wild goat,wild sheep, bird kinds, and caretta turtles around the coast.
Community has a good relationship with foreigners and people form different cultures. Some tourists had also decided to setle in Fethiye and never gone back to their home countries. There is a international neighbourship in Fethiye which is in Peace
The Group of at least ten volunteers in Fethiye will have the opportunity to add a value to environmental works and youth in action for sustainable better world. Volunteers will act as a big group of environmentalists to stop people destroying the environment and they will also learn how they can protect the earth and wild life by taking an active role in a large group.
All Volunteers will actively take part in environmental campaigns media works, and trekking protecting and caring the wild life and nature at the same time. The group will be helping preparation of camping for local youth groups, organise and help youth trainings about environment. They will grouply take responsibility for protecting wild animals eggs and cages. As a team in nature they will build feeding and water places for wild life. The natural beaches and lakes in the direction of immigrant birds will be cleaned guarded and protected by a volunteer team, we repeat the words team and group because these activities can never be done with individuals one by one.
a weekly time table:
09:00-12:00 Cleaning natural coasts for turtles with a local youth group
14:00-17:00 Turkish Language Course
0900-1200 Daily care and awareness workshop for organic farming
14:00-18:00 Producing and placing wooden cages and feeding-water boxes
09:00-12:00 cleaning the coast water with special tools from a boat
14:00-18:00 Checking and cleaning the coast and turtles egging locations
09:00-12:00 Installing wooden box and planting trees
14:00-17:00 Turkish Course
09:00-12:00 Scout Camping with local youth and evaluation of the naturel changes
1400-1800 Cleaning natural coasts for turtles with a local youth group
18:30-19:00 evaluation
We are looking for young people who can join a big team and take active role in Environmental actions. The volunteer should be able to share a common aim and life standards with a group of 10 volunteers and 10 Local volunteers in a period of one or two months. Activities take a start at a definite date and finish at a definite date So we can’t be flexible for changes in duration for individual requests.
Young volunteers who have strong motivation and initiative for all activity which are related with our project about coast and environment protecting can apply as a candidate with a motivation letter. Also, they should be interested to give their contribution to development of local society. In that case they need to have a sense in interculturality and try to identify their own place in environment where they can give maximum of themselves. We expect of future volunteers to be open for new experience, ready to learn new thing, to be flexible and independent. For us is also desirable that volunteer have basic knowledge of English language and basic computer skills. To be creative is also big plus.
Activities are almost based on physical acitivites so many days volunteers will be tired. The volunteers should not be afraid of being near to nature. Polen is at a high level in the area so allergenic volunteers must consider this. In Summer season the humidity also high.
For wheel chaired and blinds our activities will be very hard to move but for office and media supports they are also welcome.
We can host 1-2 volunteers aged 16-17 but they stay with local families and we keep them away from alcohol, smoking and other dangers adn bad habits. They are more supervised by specialist mentors than aged over 18 volunteers.
Motivation and EVS experience
Fethiye where 72000 habitant live and hosting thousands of tourist every year, has got a incoming problem in near future about environment. There is a uniq wild life around the town which hosts hundresds of different animals, different speices of plants, sea water with rich minerals for life under water. But because of the unawareness of public bodies and people day by day the values of nature are decreasing and living kinds are disappearing. Our association (which is directed by an ex EVS volunteers in a nature protecting project) decided involve EVS volunteers to media communication- environmental works- youth activities. Foreign volunteers for a local problem have always been interesting for the local people and make them aware of the realities. Our local young team will also be more motivated in an international group during their activities
Description of the organisation
Our Association aims to protect the environment and natural life around Fethiye where people only care about touristic attractions and no one cares about environment and no awareness about disappearing wild life around. To install a sustainable environment policy in this town by youth works, campaigns, volunteer works and training camps and to protect the authentic environment of Fethiye we provide youth social activities, outdoor workshops. Organise events for for public awareness. Our biggest goal is develop voluntaryism philosophy for Environment. We also cooperate with local governorates and NGOs to cope with the problems mentioned above and try to form a healthy, well trained, open minded, environmentalist youngsters.
Contact point
Organisation: Fethiye Doða Gönüllüleri Derneði
Address: Taşyaka Mah. 239. no.lu Sok. No: 14/2 Fethiye
Postal code: 48300
Country: Turkey
E-mail: fethiyedogagonder@yahoo.com
Phone: +90 252 614 44 61
Fax: +90 252 614 44 61
Contact: İnci GÖYźEN
Bővebben: http://messzelato.hu
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