Design a t-shirt for legendary rock band, Queen. Receive $1500 and global recognition for your design! What is it? As one of the most talented, glamorous and influential bands in musical history, legendary rock band Queen have left an indelible mark. As the band begin celebrations for their 40th anniversary, you can now get a chance to be part of their fabulous history. Queen, whose artworks have become among the most collected in the world, are looking for fashion designers, illustrators and graphic designers to create a brand new t-shirt design inspired by their music and legacy. The winning t-shirt will be sold in Queen’s online stores on the band’s official site and the Mercury Phoenix Trust website,, with all proceeds going to help Fight AIDS Worldwide. And who knows, the band might even wear it themselves.
WHO IT’S FOR: Fashion designers, illustrators and graphic designers.
WHO IT’S FROM: World renowned rock band Queen.
HOW THE WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN: Queen band members, guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor will choose the winner from the top voted submissions.
WHAT THE WINNER WILL GET: The winner will receive worldwide exposure by being featured on Queen’s official website and across their social media channels including their Facebook page which has over 7.5 million fans. The winning t-shirt design will be sold on Queen’s official website and in the Mercury Phoenix Trust online store and the winner will receive $1,500. A further 10 designers who receive the most votes will share a prize pool of $1,500.
Assignment of rights to Queen for the winning design is a condition of receiving the winning prize. No entrant can commercially exploit their designs without Queen’s prior consent.
WHAT TO DO NEXT: Click on „Participate” and download the Queen crest and other assets then submit your t-shirt design in .jpg format (up to 5MB).
It is not mandatory that the Queen crest is a part of your original design, but representatives of Queen would like to see the crest placed somewhere on the t-shirt.
- Submission Deadline: April 19, 2011
- Voting Starts: April 20, 2011
- Voting Ends: April 27, 2011
- Winner Announcement: May 5, 2011
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