Művészek jelentkezését várják a 2018-2019-es tanévre Zágrábba a What, How and for Whom? kollektíva által indított képzésre nemzetközi tanárok részvételével. A képzés ingyenes. Jelentkezési határidő 2018. június 20.
Curatorial collective What, How and for Whom / WHW announces the open call for applications to participate in the first year of WHW Akademija, a new international art study programme in Zagreb, Croatia. The program runs from 22 October 2018 to 19 June 2019.
Application deadline: 20 June 2018
Selection interviews, in person (for Zagreb-based applicants) and over Skype, will be conducted between 2 and 6 July 2018.
Results will be announced by the 16 July 2018.
WHW Akademija is a new program for emerging artists. It is an intervention in the field of art education, aiming to enable new forms of self-determination for the participants, based on modes of critical reflection, curiosity and encounters among artists, artworks, arts professionals, scholars and practitioners in various disciplines. The name WHW Akademija takes as its title the acronym of the three basic questions of every economic organization, What, How & for Whom, which are also the title of the curatorial collective WHW. WHW Akademija departs from the notion of the ‘conscious citizen’, aiming to offer a broad educational spectrum and access to conflicting ideas and opinions, as well as to incorporate principles and values applicable to wider social and political life. It should be a place for testing ideas, making discoveries and encouraging trials and errors.
In 2018 – 2019 the resident professors throughout the program are Ben Cain and Tina Gverović, who will share their time in continuous weekly contact with the students, and Sanja Iveković, who will participate on the monthly basis. The guest professors for this year include Pierre Bal-Blanc, Rajkamal Kahlon, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Adam Szymczyk. Students will be invited to participate in shaping part of the program connected to the local guests and initiatives.
Advisory Board members of WHW Akademija are David Maljković, Emily Pethick, Kathrin Rhomberg and Christine Tohme.
WHW Akademija is realized in partnership with the Kontakt Art Collection. The collection focuses on experimental and neo avant-garde art activities in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe from the late 1950s onwards. Different artistic positions included in the Kontakt Art Collection will be one of the foundations of discussions and other formats in WHW Akademija.
WHW Akademija is a 9-month study program for 10 to 12 international students. It is open to individuals seeking to deepen their formal, theoretical and critical skills in art and who are at the beginning of developing an independent artistic practice. Tuition is free and all participants will have access to a shared studio space and a small production fund. A limited number of scholarships to cover basic living expenses in Zagreb will be available upon application. Some of the program’s lectures and seminars will be public. The working language of the academy is English.
The 2018-19 programme is divided into two semesters (October 2018 – January 2019 and March – June 2019) which include continuous support provided by resident professors, Ben Cain and Tina Gverović and Sanja Iveković. The resident professors will teach group and individual critique sessions. Each semester will also consist of 2 two-week workshops led by guest professors, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Rajkamal Kahlon, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Adam Szymczyk. The guest professors (one artist, one curator) per semester will each conduct a two-week workshop consisting of both collective work and individual critiques with the students. Additionally, each semester will include 2 seminars (led by international and local guests, to be announced later), as well as two seminars based on the works in the Kontakt Art Collection led by WHW.
The program will begin on 22 October, with an in-depth introduction to the program, for the students to get to know each other’s practices and Zagreb’s local cultural and activist scene.
For 2018-2019, students will be selected through an open call. Applicants should be practicing artists with or without formal training.
Your application should include the following information:
- A full CV
- A short biography of 250 words
- Statement about your work (max. 2 pages)
- PDF document with works descriptions and captioned images, max 20 pages, including links to media from
- YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud
Please include your surname in the title off all the submitted files.
Application package should not exceed 25 MB in total.
Please send all the materials by 20 June to akademija@whw.hr
Candidates are considered on merit, as well as on their application’s relevance to the aims of WHW Akademija. The Advisory Board selects an initial shortlist of candidates for interviews. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for a Skype or in person (for those based in Zagreb) interview on short notice. Applicants will be notified by 16 July, 2018.
Applicants must commit full-time to the assigned schedule. External engagements must be kept at an absolute minimum and should not interfere with attendance and participation in the program.
The program is open to applicants from all countries.
We confirm the receipt of all applications. Please get in touch if you do not hear from us within a week of sending your application. For additional questions, please contact akademija@whw.hr
WHW Akademija tuition is free. A limited number of financial support grants are available on a need basis for covering basic living costs in Zagreb for candidates coming from other cities in Croatia or from abroad. If you are in need of a grant support in order to be able to attend the program, please indicate this information in your application.
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