14 napos képzési ösztöndíj Thaiföldön, ami a belső béke és a fenntartható világbéke és fejlesztése témaköröket vizsgálja. Hogyan lehet békét teremteni a családon belül, szakmai és társadalmi környezetünkben.
Deadline: September 6, 2015
Location: Thailand.
Date: January 9 – 22, 2016.
Type: Partially Funded.
Applications are open now for the Peace Revolution International Fellowship in Thailand – Global Peace On The Move XVII.
The fellowship offers a 14 days intensive training program providing participants with deeper insight in the relationship between inner peace and sustainable world peace and enhancing their ability to create peace within their family, professional and social environment.
In addition to our intense meditation practice, participants will gain knowledge of various theoretical approaches that include:
- Conflict resolution and the role of the basic human self-disciplines
- The role of our habits in our daily life and how to improve; the 5 Rooms of life
- The factors that determine our perception to think, act and speak; relation between body and mind
- Leadership: Eight pillars for a stable peaceful society
- Thai-Buddhist Studies
Peace and change makers, youth activists, day dreamers or everyone who is really committed to his self-development and to everyone else’s self-development, this is your call, we need you all on board to make this possible, let’s join the PEACE REVOLUTION.
The following video is taken from the Global Peace on the Move V: http://youtu.be/ceCoUbA-Ao4
The Thailand fellowship includes:
- partial sponsoring of airfare*,
- free accommodation,
- free catering,
- free local transportation,
- free meditation retreat fee.
*Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship. But to be eligible for the partial sponsoring of airfare, candidates must be between 20-32 years old.
- Candidates should be 20-32 years old at the time of submitting the application in order to receive the airfare support.
- Candidates must have completed 42 days of the online self-development program. Note that in order to submit the application form, candidates do not need to have completed the online self-development program.
- Candidates must have completed at least 1 OFFLINE (with 5 or more participants) and 1 ONLINE (with 10 or more participants) Special Ops.
- Candidates must have submitted a PIPO Proposal (included in the application form).
- Candidates have good proficiency in written and spoken English language.
- Candidates should be optimistic, be open-minded, show leadership potential, and have a genuine interest in peace.
- Candidates must finish all the above requirements (the self-development program as well as the online Special Ops) before the eligibility deadline of a fellowship.
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