2011. április 28-án megnyílt a Délkelet-Európai Transznacionális Együttműködési Program (SEE) harmadik pályázati felhívása. A harmadik pályázati felhívás két lépcsőben valósul meg. Az első fordulóban szándéknyilatkozat beadása, elektronikus úton történő feltöltése szükséges. A második fordulóban az első fordulón kiválasztott pályázatok kidolgozott, részletes dokumentációja kerül benyújtásra.
A szándéknyilatkozatok elektronikus úton történő feltöltésének beadási határideje 2011. június 17.
A program által felölelt terület:
EU tagállamok: Ausztria, Bulgária, Görögország, Magyarország, Olaszország (nem teljes területével), Románia, Szlovákia, Szlovénia
Tagjelölt és lehetséges tagjelölt országok: Albánia, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Horvátország, Macedónia (FYROM), Montenegró, Szerbia
Harmadik országok: Moldova, Ukrajna (nem teljes területével)
A harmadik pályázati felhívás beavatkozási területei:
- Policy Learning Mechanisms in Support of Cluster Development
- Climate Change Adaptation: assessing vulnerabilities and risks and translating them to implementation actions at the regional and local levels
- Network of (Hub) cities for an increased access and mobility of people in the SEE region
- Efficient access to a SEE coordinated multimodal freight network between ports and landlocked countries
- Managing Demographic Change in SEE – Migration and Human Capital as key for sustainable economic growth
További információ a megjelenésről és a részletes pályázati felhívásról a program Közös Technikai Titkárságának internetes oldalán érhető el: www.southeast-europe.net
Forrás: NFÜ
Third Call
The 3rd call for proposals is now now open. It is the result of a strategic exercise whose main objectives are:
1) To generate strategic projects in some key intervention area, which:
- can not be generated by a conventional call for proposals (and were identified by the MC – following also a stakeholders’ consultation process – in the developed Terms of Reference part of this Call);
- are directly contributing to the implementation of key European policy objectives;
- generate incisive technical/sectoral impacts (integrated and interdisciplinary approaches) and create synergies with other projects/programmes/initiatives);
- are politically relevant and sustained. In other words, they either engage with an issue which is evidently already the subject of public action or political debate; and they generate a certain level of public interest within society in general;
are significant for the entire co-operation area, or at least for large sections of it. Accordingly, the outcomes and effects attributable to a project will have to be relevant also to those areas which are not directly involved in the project, through i.e. sustained dissemination action, specific provisions for the uptake and sustain-ability of projects’ outcomes, etc.
2) To integrate fully the potential stakeholders of the Western Balkan countries (as well as from Ukraine and Moldova) into relevant strategic projects by developing an integrated im-plementation model.
The call is following a two steps approach and the application process will be managed electronically, via the SEE Website.
- Step 1 is represented by the submission of the Expression of Interest (EoI)
- Step 2 is represented by the submission of a complete Application package, including an Application form.
In order to apply, you need to follow these simple steps:
- Register on the SEE Website. Only registered users can submit an expression of interest / application, as the upload function is not available to regular users.
- Download and read carefully the documents contained in the Applicants Pack and the Operational Programme. Beside the provisions in relation to the maximum ERDF and IPA available for this call, applicants should be acquainted with the current committed resources at Priority level as indicated in the table containing the Indicative level of commitment of the ERDF budget.
- Fill in the expression of interest and Declaration of pre-financing and co-financing Statement for Project Partners according to the guidelines provided and prepare a single (preferably zip) file. PLEASE NAME THE FILE AS FOLLOWS: SEE_C_EoI_acronym of the project !
- Upload the file by the required deadline, following the instructions in the guidelines. Please note that only electronic submission is allowed. You can see or upload the documents only if you are registered.Not registered yet? please fill in the form and note your password and user name as we ar enot able to retrieve them afterwards.
- You will receive within the following 24 hours an automatic confirmation if the submission of the file was successful.
Please not that we can ensure a correct submission only if you carefully follow the above mentioned steps.
Important information
The call will be open from 28.04.2011. The EoI has to be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) until 17.06.11 (18:00 pm Central European time). Based on the experience of the first call, we strongly advice the applicants not to wait until the last days to upload the expression of interest, as the server may be overloaded and they may have problems with the submission. No files will be accepted after the deadline.
The technical assessment of the expressions of interest will be carried out by the JTS and the results will be then discussed by the Monitoring Committee that will finally take a decision on the expressions of interest to be invited to the second step. The duration of the assessment period is depending on the number and the quality of proposals received, therefore we cannot provide a date for the announcement of the results of the first step. The results will be publicized on the SEE website as soon as the Monitoring Committee takes a decision on the selection.
Please note that only the expressions of interest selected after the first step will be invited to submit a complete application for the second step of the call.
Territorial Marketing Events for the 3rd Call for Proposals
In view of the Third Call for Proposals, which will be a strategic call, the SEE Programme organised in Bucharest and Belgrade a series of seminars with the aim to promote the selected Terms of Reference (ToR) towards the potential project applicants and discuss with them possible project proposals.
Source: www.southeast-europe.net