A 92-es nemzedék – európai ifjúsági videóverseny. „A ’92-es nemzedék” versenyen az 1991-1993 között születettek egy videón mutathatják be a fenntartható jövőről szóló jövőképüket. A győztesek meghívást kapnak egy fenntartható fejlődéssel foglalkozó rendezvényre június 5-ére, Koppenhágába. A legjobb művek ezen kívül összesen 6000 € pénzjutalmat kapnak. A pályaműveket március 1. és április 2. között kell benyújtani.
Generation ’92 European youth video competition
What is your vision for sustainable living in 20 years’ time? Competition „Generation ’92” offers the opportunity for young Europeans born in 1991, 1992 or 1993 to make a video showing their vision of a sustainable future. The winners will be invited to take part in an event on sustainable development in Copenhagen on 5 June. The best entries will also win a total of €6,000 in cash prizes. Entries may be submitted between 1 March and 2 April.
Submissions start | Submissions end (form) | Pre-committee selection starts | Finalists announced /Public vote starts | Public vote ends | Overall winner(s) announced | Awards ceremony |
1 March |
2 April |
3 April
20 April
7 May
9 May
5 June |
Submission deadline: Submission ends at midnight (CET) 2 April 2012. Late entries will not be accepted.
Selection process: The EEA will appoint a five member pre-selection committee consisting of practicing communication and multimedia experts whose role is to ensure that submissions meet the rules outlined in the Competition Rules. The pre-selection committee will select 20 finalists which will be submitted to the jury. A jury of prominent communication experts will evaluate the 20 finalists and pick first, second and third prize winners. Entries not adhering to the rules may be excluded from the competition at the discretion of the jury. The jury’s decision is final and there is no appeal.
For the Buzz Prize, the entries will be open for a public vote between 20 April and 7 May, 2012. The outcome of the public vote will have no bearing on the decision of the jury.
An award ceremony will take place on World Environment Day, in Copenhagen. The EEA will cover travel expenses and accommodation for one night for all the winners.*
There will be three cash awards.
- 1st place: €3000 and plaque
- 2nd place: €2000 and plaque
- 3rd place: €1000 and plaque
- Buzz Prize winner: plaque
The Buzz Prize winner will receive an honourable mention and a trip to Copenhagen to the awards ceremony on 5 June 2012. Should the Buzz Prize winner be one of the top three places, the contestant with the next highest number of votes who has not been selected in the top three will be selected instead. The selection will be made on the basis of the number of Likes on the specially-designated website. In the case of two videos both having the same number of votes, the EEA pre-selection committee will have the final decision.
The individual recipients of prize money will be responsible for the tax implications of their winnings.
* Travel expenses will be covered only for a trip from an EEA member or cooperating country, or Greenland. Should the participant reside outside of Europe, travel expenses will not be reimbursed.
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