Milyen készségekre van szükséged egy jobb jövő érdekében? Ha 18 és 24 év közötti fiatal alkotó vagy, készítsd el alkotásodat és küldd el 2012 április 1. -ig az UNESCO EFA Global Monitoring Report Team címére. Ha alkotásodat díjazott lesz, azonkívűl, hogy azt használja majd a Monitoring Bizottság mindenféle megjelenéséhez, nyersz egy párizsi utat és egy on-line galériába is bekerül az alkotásod.
GMR 2012 – Art Contest. Youth, skills and work – What skills do you need to create a better future?
- Are young people leaving school with the skills they need to survive and thrive in society?
- How can we make sure that all young people – especially those who face disadvantages – get a chance to learn job skills?
- Are employers and governments doing their best to match up skills and jobs?
- How can education help young people avoid unemployment – or being trapped in low-paid, insecure work?
- Are young people leaving school with the skills they need to survive and thrive in society?
- How can we make sure that all young people – especially those who face disadvantages – get a chance to learn job skills?
- Are employers and governments doing their best to match up skills and jobs?
- How can education help young people avoid unemployment – or being trapped in low-paid, insecure work?
The design brief
The winning artwork will be used for the 2012 Education for All Global Monitoring Report on youth, skills and work.
The submission may be artwork of any size (between A5 and A3 or equivalent). Submissions can be in the form of photos, drawings, paintings, computer-generated images etc. Submissions can be in electronic format or on paper. Each artwork should be accompanied by a short artist biography and description of the work in relation to the theme of the contest. If electronic files only are submitted, a high-definition version (in PDF or JPEG) is required. We would prefer the artwork to be accompanied by a standard to high-resolution PDF file in A4 format for viewing by the jury.
See the “Terms and conditions” for technical specifications.
The Prizes: The first prize is a trip to Paris, France, including accommodation, to participate in an event publicizing the artwork and meet with the GMR team. The international jury will also select two honorable mentions from the entries. The artwork of the winner and a jury selection will feature in an on-line gallery, including short biographies of the artists. Selected winning entries will also feature in the 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report, Summary and other outreach materials.
Who can enter: To be eligible for the prize, you must be aged between 18 and 24 years during the period of this competition (1 February 2012 to 1 April 2012). Proof of identity will be required from all finalists.
How to submit: Please send your artwork plus the completed Registration Form in either electronic or paper format. You may submit in both formats.
If submitting your entry in electronic format only, please:
- go to
- enter your name and email
- upload your file
- enter recipient email: efareport(at)
- enter message to recipient: „2012 Artwork Contest”
- click [Send] button
Artwork in paper format only should be sent to:
EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
Artwork Contest
7, Place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris
Web: 2012 Skills Contest
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