![iccrom fellowship](http://palyazatok.org/wp-content/2013/04/iccromlogo.jpg)
ICCROM encourages senior professionals from institutions or organizations in its Member States to apply to undertake their own research in one of the fields of study of interest to ICCROM. Individuals who have at least a Masters degree or relevant working experience in heritage conservation and who have a specialty in the following disciplines, either as teachers or as practitioners, are welcome to apply:
- art history
- museology
- archaeology
- architecture
- engineering
- conservation/restoration
- conservation science
- urban planning
- library and archives preservation
Fellowships can have a duration of one to five months. ICCROM will help fellows to obtain the necessary documents to enter and temporarily reside in Italy and to find reasonable accommodation. Fellows, however, will be responsible for their own medical insurance which is compulsory.
Due to the current budgetary constraints, from January 2011 ICCROM will no longer be in a position to provide financial support for Fellowships. However, ICCROM will continue to ensure that fellows have office space with a computer workstation, unlimited access to internet and supplies; in addition fellows will have full access to the ICCROM Documentation, Library and Archives Service. At the end of the period of their Fellowship they will be asked to give a presentation on their research.
Candidates are expected to have a good knowledge of one of the two official languages of ICCROM (English and French).
Important: Candidates are expected to undertake their own independent research. They cannot request to be supervised by an ICCROM staff member.
Fellowship applications
Application forms must be submitted by e-mail in English (or French) and contain the following elements:
- a research proposal, headed by a summary and limited to two pages, outlining the objectives and expected results;
- an indication as to how the research results will be used (i.e. a publication or other means of dissemination);
- the proposed dates for the period of research at ICCROM;
- information on other grants applied for or received;
- confirmation of agreement from the employer, if applicable, to undertake the research work at ICCROM;
- if on paid sabbatical leave, confirmation from the academic institution;
- an abridged and up-to-date curriculum vitae, including proof of citizenship, education, work history, publications and other research work, either completed or in progress.
- proof of medical insurance (after acceptance);
- three letters of reference from persons who have direct knowledge of the candidate’s work.
The deadline for receipt of Fellowships applications is 31 May 2013. The Fellowships to be awarded will be taken up in 2014, unless otherwise agreed.
A Selection Committee composed of the ICCROM Director-General and Unit Directors will review each proposal in accordance with assessment criteria developed by the Committee. External jurors may also be invited to examine the proposals. Each candidate will be informed, in writing, of the results of the Committee’s deliberations which will remain confidential.
Research proposals should be sent by e-mail addressed to:
M. Anna Stewart
ICCROM – Internship and Fellows Programme
Via di San Michele, 13
00153 Rome, Italy
Email: fellowships (at) iccrom . org
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