Nevezz be a 11 Kinoteka Lengyel filmfesztiválra egy 10 perces Roman Polanski ihlette saját, 10 perces rövidfilmmel. A pályázatok leadási határideje 2013 március 1. A neves zsűri által listázott filmek bemutatásra kerülnek a KINOTEKA honlapján, a szavazáson nyert filmeket bemutatják a filmfesztivál záró gáláján. A legjobb film díjas 1000 £ értékű filmes berendezéseket kap, a Közönségdíj nyertese filmes kurzust nyer a Londoni Film Akadémiára.
The 11th Kinoteka Polish Film Festival and the Polish Cultural Institute are proud to announce the launch of a national short filmmaking competition inspired by the work of Roman Polanski. The award is proudly sponsored by the Project London Films, a distributor of Polish films in UK and Ireland.
Kinoteka introduces its first ever, nationwide, open-entry competition with Frantic Films, a competition inspired by the work of Roman Polanski to create a short film of no more than 10 minutes in length. The creative challenge is wide open but all entrants, whether a remake, artistic interpretation or spoof, need to reference Polanski’s cinema and will be judged by a jury of film professionals who worked with Polanski including Timothy Burrill (producer “The Pianist”, “Oliver Twist”), Jerzy Skolimowski (scriptwriter “Knife in the Water”) and Pawel Edelman (DOP “The Pianist”, “Carnage”) on the following three criteria:
- The independent character of the film submitted.
- The quality of its response to Polanski’s cinema.
- Its use of the short film form.
Having worked in Poland, France, the UK and Hollywood, Roman Polanski has created a body of work which defies categorisation by genre or nationality, probing instead such universal human experiences as lust, paranoia, brutality, and humour; experiences filtered through, rather than defined by time and place. They are films, which have expanded our understanding of the camera as a tool for exploring the psyche, and redefined cinematic experience through narrative and technical experimentation, creating in the process some of the most iconic moving images of our time.
The competition opens for submissions 14 January 2013. The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2013. The shortlisted films will be presented on KINOTEKA website and open for electronic audience votes until 15 March 2013. The winners will be announced during the 11th KINOTEKA Closing Night Gala on 17 March.
There will be 2 awards given:
1. Best film Award winner will receive £1000 worth of film equipment.
2. The Audience Award winner will receive a film making course at the London Film Academy.
To view full terms and conditions click here
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