Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Pályázat tréningek megtartására

Pályázat a „Jobb képzés a biztonságosabb élelmiszerért” tréningek megtartására. Az Európai Bizottság Egészségügyi és Fogyasztóvédelmi Főigazgatóságához (DG SANCO) tartozó Egészségügyi és Fogyasztóvédelmi Végrehajtó Ügynökség (EAHC) új tendert írt ki a „Jobb képzés a biztonságosabb élelmiszerért” (BTSF) tréningek megtartására.

A tréningek megszervezésére és levezénylésére állami szervek, magánvállalkozások és egyének is pályázhatnak a „Növény-egészségügyi ellenőrzések” és a „Növényvédő szerek értékelése és nyilvántartása, használatuk ellenőrzése és marketingje” témakörökben.

A pályázatok benyújtásának határideje 2012. április 12. További részletek a weboldalon.”

Call for tender EAHC/2011/BTSF/10: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Plant health controls and on the Evaluation and registration of plant protection products and the control of their proper use and marketing mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative

This call is divided into the 2 following lots:

  • Lot n°1: Plant health controls
  • Lot n°2: Evaluation and registration of plant protection products and the control of their proper use and marketing

The call for tender under Lot n°1 aims to provide for a common and unambiguous understanding of the European Union (EU) legislation and its proper and harmonised implementation across the EU. It is also to provide specific practical expertise in areas related to organising a national system of inspections and to control Wood Packaging Material (WPM) being used in international trade. Training is addressed both to officials involved in general planning and policy making as well as to senior field inspectors involved in practical execution of the legislation and direct contacts with producers/stakeholders/importers. Furthermore, the training should allow the exchange of information and experience amongst Member States and should increase the efficacy of plant health services

The contractor will organise and implement training courses covering different fields of plant health control:

  • EU plant quarantine regime for potatoes,
  • EU internal plant quarantine regime,
  • EU plant quarantine regime for imports,
  • EU plant quarantine regime for WPM,
  • EU internal controls required by the EU emergency decisions (non-forestry),
  • EU internal control required by the EU emergency decisions for harmful organisms typical for forestry areas.

The call for tender under Lot n°2 will address areas which have been identified as requiring a deeper analysis and training in the field of plant protection products such as:

  • re-registration process, since the entry into force of the New Regulation obliges the Member States to adapt their system in order to permit its own implementation,
  • control activities, since they require an integrated approach to the whole matter.

The contractor will organise and implement two types of workshops:

  • Course 1: evaluation and registration of plant protection products,
  • Course 2: control of use and marketing of plant protection products.

The main goal of Course 1 is to ensure that all Member States are operating a consistent approach to post-Annex I compliance checking and re-registration of plant protection products and to reduce the potential for legal challenges to both the EU Commission and to individual Member States from companies alleging that procedures have not been followed.

The main goal of Course 2 is to focus on topics related to the control on use and marketing of pesticides which have been identified as presenting a higher concern in terms of lack of harmonisation and measures to be taken.

For more information, please contact under the following reference: EAHC/2011/BTSF/10

The deadline to submit tenders for this procedure is the 12 April 2012. 

Annex Ia – Tender submission form

Annex Ib – Letter of mandate

Annex IIa – Legal entity form for public entities

o Annex IIb – Legal entity form for private entities

o Annex IIc – Legal entity form for individuals

o Annex III – Financial identification form

o Annex IV – Declaration of honour

Annex V – Financial Offer Form

o Annex VI – Draft contract and annexes

Annex VIII – Checklist

Annex IX – Statement of availability and exclusivity