UNESCO videópályázat a Kulturális Sokszínűség Egyetemes Nyilatkozatának 10. évfordulójához kötődően. A 18-24 éves korosztály számára meghirdetett pályázat határideje 2011. november 2.
International Video Challenge For Youth – My Declaration On Cultural Diversity
UNESCO Video Challenge: “My Declaration”
The Future of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Ten Years after its Adoption.
The following Terms and Conditions apply to the International Video Challenge “My Declaration”, organized by UNESCO.
By participating in the challenge, the candidates accept the full terms and conditions contained herein and provide all information required.
This Challenge, open to anyone between 18 and 24 regardless of their aptitude level, involves the production of short videos designed to present and promote the principles of the Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity to young audiences. Each video will provide a personal vision of the meaning, usefulness and future of the Declaration ten years after its adoption. The videos may be submitted in any language but will not be subtitled or dubbed. Verbal communication should not be essential for their understanding: all viewers, regardless of their language skills, should be able to understand. Participants are therefore expected to find a universal language to express their personal message. There is no entry fee.
Participation rules
- Any individual from 18 to 24 years old, who is not a minor, can take part. Groups may also participate but the prize will be offered to a single person representing the group. The person uploading the entry will be deemed the formal participant for all purposes. Members of UNESCO staff (either permanent or temporary, current or former), interns, or members of their immediate family, are not eligible to participate.
- The videos are intended to present and promote the principles of the Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity to young audiences.
- The videos can be in whatever language, or recorded without audio soundtrack. Verbal communication should not be essential for their understanding; they shall be understandable by all without translation.
- The videos duration may not exceed 90 seconds, not including credits.
- There are no restrictions as regards the number of videos that each contestant can submit, format, technique, or audiovisual material. The videos can be prepared using a mobile phone, PDA, webcam, digital photo or video camera. HD resolution and high broadcast quality are required. Production costs of the film or any other expenses are to be borne by the contestant.
- Participants shall register via the UNESCO website www.unesco.org/new/video-challenge by completing the online Entry Form and sending the link to their video submission .
- Entries must be submitted and received by UNESCO before 2 November 2011 at 12 noon Paris time (GMT + 2), by email (to mydeclaration@unesco.org). Entries received after the established deadline shall not be considered). UNESCO shall not bear any responsibility for late or lost entries due to network failure or any other reason. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt. Once a video is submitted, it is considered final and may not be modified or edited.
- The videos will be uploaded on UNESCO You Tube and Youku Pages, where they can be viewed and voted by the public as soon as they are available on line (art. 17 of the present rules).
- The videos must be original and unpublished and they must not have been posted previously on any UNESCO web page. No music, video, or images may be used if copyright or other rights are held by anyone other than the participant.
- The videos credits shall not mention UNESCO’s name or logo. UNESCO name and logo are the property of UNESCO and are subject to rules laid down by its governing bodies. They should not be used in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of UNESCO. UNESCO must approve in writing any statement, advertisement, press release or similar communication in any media, relating to this Video Challenge.
- Participants declare that the submitted videos do not infringe on any third-party rights and any copyright law. The Organization is not responsible for intellectual property violations that might have resulted through the submission of videos.
- UNESCO reserves the right to exclude any videos that conflict with the principles of the Organization’s Constitution and that have obscene, violent, sexually explicit, sexist or racist content, or which violate any fundamental rights. The videos must also not invade the rights of privacy of any person, living or deceased.
- By submitting their videos via the online entry form, available on www.unesco.org/new/video-challenge, the participants accept that they may be used by UNESCO as part of its communication tools; they cede their rights of public reproduction, communication and distribution, which shall always be exercised recognizing their condition as author. By participating, the participants declare their agreement that UNESCO may broadcast their video during and after the challenge.
- The participant submitting the best video entry will be offered a digital camera (approximate price: 2,500 USD). There will be no cash alternatives
- UNESCO will appoint an international jury of experts that will be responsible for selecting the best video entry, on the basis of the following main criteria: (i) originality, (ii) technical and artistic quality, (iii) effectiveness of the video as a tool to promote the values of the Declaration towards young audiences, (iv) universality (capacity to be understood by diverse audiences throughout the world).
- The videos will be first submitted to a vote of the public (Internet users), as soon as they are available on line. The video most voted by the public will obtain the „Audience Special Mention”, which shall not receive a monetary award. The first five videos voted by the public will be submitted to the jury of experts, which will select the best video entry among those five.
- The jury’s decision will be final. The jury may also decide not to select any video if entries received are judged to be of insufficient quality. Any attempt by a participant to influence the result or subvert the Video Challenge will lead to immediate disqualification.
- Participation in this competition implies accepting all the conditions of entry without exception.
- UNESCO will inform the Finalists of the results of the challenge. If the Finalist is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, UNESCO reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry. For any further information: mydeclaration@unesco.org
- The personal information provided to UNESCO by the participants shall only be used for the purposes of this competition. All participants are entitled to access, cancel, oppose and rectify the details about the personal data (such as names, addresses, etc.) contained in the file by sending their request by email to mydeclaration@unesco.org
- UNESCO reserves the right to modify or cancel the challenge or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items directly or indirectly related to the challenge, at any time and for any reason if deemed necessary.
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