The Motorist Great-Coalition invites all professional and amateur caricaturists to the „Autószektor Cartoon Contest” with the following theme: CAR NAVIGATION (GPS, map, wife, compass, sun, moon, stars ….)
1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.
2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not content any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.
3. The registration form – attached to this contest invitation – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to the
4. Deadline: 31. March 2020.
5. Awards:
Main prize: 150 000 HUF (minus TAX)
Best foreign cartoonist: 75. 000 HUF (minus TAX)
The best Hungarian cartoonist: 75.000 HUF (minus TAX)
+ 5 Diplomas
6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury – in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.
7. Announcement of results: 12. April 2020.
8. Payout Date: to 30. April 2020.
9. By filling the registration form, the participant acknowledges that the Motorist Great-Coalition – referring to the competition – can use the submitted creations free, without the purpose of gaining financial benefits. Forms of use:
– Through mediums cooperating with the Motorist Great-Coalition (;;, etc. )
– In digital or printed catalogues
– In the free publication made for the partners of Motorist Great-Coalition, which will not be merchandised
– On exhibitions, or events supported by the Motorist Great-Coalition
– As decoration
Continuous information on theúra-Pályázat-…/…
If you have any question, contact us at
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