Benjamin Franklin Nyári Intézet Transzatlanti Ösztöndíj Program 16-18 éves, angolul folyékonyan beszélő, a nemzetközi kapcsolatok iránt érdeklődő középiskolások számára szól. Az Amerikai Nagykövetség fedezi az összes költséget, beleértve a belföldi és nemzetközi utazási költségeket is. Jelentkezési határidő: 2014. február. 28!
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute for high school students, June 28-July 26, 2014
The American Embassy Budapest is soliciting applications for the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institutes. There will be two Institutes, one at Wake Forest University in North Carolina and the other at Purdue University in Indiana. Each institute is designed for 35 European students and 10 Americans ages 16-18. The content of both programs will be similar even though exact topics will vary. Institute activities include discussion of global issues of common interest, leadership and media training, collaborative project development, community service, educational travel, and plans for follow-on activities. All costs, including domestic and international travel, will be covered by the American Embassy Budapest.Students must be 16, 17 or 18 years of age as of June 28, 2014 to be eligible for participation in the program.The U.S. host institutions will provide adult chaperones to accompany minor participants on flights between one or two European airports to the United States and back. The goals of the Institutes are: (1) to develop a commitment to transatlantic cooperation; (2) to foster relationships between American and European youth from different ethnic, religious, and national groups; (3) to promote mutual understanding between the United States and Europe; and (4) to develop a cadre of youth leaders who will share their knowledge and skills with their peers through positive action.The Summer Institutes will enable teenagers to participate in an intensive, four-week exchange program in the United States that focuses on global issues facing both European and American youth. The Institutes will focus primarily on an exploration of issues through interactive activities, practical experiences, and other hands-on opportunities. Participants will learn more about democratic practices, volunteer service, conflict resolution, problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking, tolerance and respect for diversity, youth leadership, team building, and the media. The Institutes also explore how freedom of expression both provides rights to and imposes responsibilities on citizens. Fellows will participate in a variety of activities such as training sessions, workshops, community-based programs, study tours, and cultural events. Community service activities, social and cultural activities, and homestays with American families will deepen the Fellows’ experience of U.S. society during their exchange.After the Institute, in addition to implementing service projects in their home communities, the Fellows will present what they have learned as well as an alumni project plan to a youth-serving or youth-centered organization in their home country. These may include U.S. Embassy Youth Councils, American Corners and exchange alumni associations.Applicant ProfileApplicants should have a strong interest in learning more about diplomacy, the transatlantic relationship, the role of a free press in a democracy, and public or community service. They should have a strong demonstrated interest in communications, advocacy, debate, or civic participation. They should have the academic aptitude for a program of this nature and personal qualities needed to be successful participants, including maturity, strong social skills, flexibility, and open-mindedness. These factors are particularly important given the diverse group atmosphere of the Institute. Applicants should be committed to continue their college/university studies in Hungary. English fluency is required.
Applicants must exhibit serious interest in pursuing leadership opportunities in Hungary and demonstrate a genuine desire to learn first-hand about the United States and its people, society, and institutions. Applicants must also understand that, if selected, they will be expected to fully and seriously participate in all program components during the month, as well as in follow-up activities afterward in Hungary. In addition, Fellows should be ready to inform and educate Americans about the culture and society of Hungary in non-structured gatherings and in public presentations.
Applicant QualificationsWilling and able to fully participate in an intensive summer program, community service, and active educational travel program. Comfortable with campus life, shared living accommodations, travel and interaction with a multinational, coed group of participants from across Europe and the United States, and comfortable with engaging various Americans in the broader community. Able to adjust to cultural and social practices different from those of Hungary.
To apply please email your answers for the questions below to by Friday, February 28, 2014
- First Name:
- Middle name (if on passport):
- Last Name:
- Date of birth:
- How old will you be on June 28, 2014?
- City of birth:
- Country of birth:
- Citizenship:
- Passport number and expiration date:
- Home address:
- Name and address of your school:
- Your cell phone number:
- Your email address:
- Medical, dietary or personal considerations:
- Have you ever studied in the United States? When and how long?
- Have you ever traveled/lived in the United States? When and how long?
- How long have you been learning English?
- How many English classes do you have a week?
- Please attach a copy of your academic grades.
- Please attach a recommendation from your teacher.
- What are your fields of interest?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Why are you interested in transatlantic relations and diplomacy?
- Why are you interested in learning about the United States?
- What kind of community work have you done in the past?
- What kind of extracurricular activities are you engaged in?
- What leadership positions have you been in your school or community? If none, do you plan to assume such a role in the future? Please explain.
- What international experience do you have? (e.g. travel, study, exchange programs, etc.)
- Please describe your career plans for the future.
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