Újra nevezhettek a BuSho fesztiválra! A 2013-as esztendőben változás a nevezésekkel kapcsolatban, hogy a postaköltséget végleg felváltja a nevezési díj! A nevezés díja 5 € lesz, mely remélhetőleg senkit nem fog megrendíteni, azonban a fesztiválnak segítség lehet az ínséges időkben! A kritériumok változatlanok: 2011. január 1. után készült 30 percnél rövidebb fikciós, animációs és kísérleti rövideket várunk 2013. április 30-ig! Újabb menet, újabb beszállás!
BuSho (Budapest Short) was established in the autumn of 2004 by a group of young Hungarian filmmakers and the first event successfully ran its course the following year. The festival became an international breakthrough in an exceptionally short period of time. We had plenty of festival screenings, selections of film academys, conferences, exhibitions, film-, and all-art workshops in the program. Our main target group is the generation of developing young filmmakers but we are very delighted at every entry. This film celebration takes place in Budapest in the late summer of 2013.
You can enter in three categories: fiction, animation and experimental.
Duration: maximum 30 minutes!
Submitted films should have been produced after the 1st of January 2011!
ONLINE ENTRY OPENING: 1st December 2012.
DEADLINE: 30th April 2013.
ENTRY FEE: 5,- EUR (except for studios, schools, workshops or agencies that enter 5 or more shorts)
The followings are requested with the entry form filled in:
- entry form filled on the BuSho website!
- UPLOAD your film for the pre-jury on the BuSho website!
Format: mpeg2/mpeg4 / 720×576 PAL 25 fps / 48 kHz 16 bit stereo - all films must have english subtitles: subtitles included (burned in – not optional)
If the pre-jury selects the entered production then we will ask for the screening copy and for the original printed, signed entry form. If the film selected in competition, the creator of the film + 1 more person will be invited to the festival. Applications of other filmmaking workshops and festival organizers are also appreciated whose most successful films or a “Best Of” selection can be sent to the festival and also to the conference. If a filmmaker community applies, food and accommodation is provided for the group leaders and 1 more person. To avoid any inconvenience coming from last minute cancellation, all the guests are asked to pay an accreditation fee, which is a symbolic amount, but includes all the costs for the whole week. Please send the flight reservation as well as the proof of the transaction!
Deadline: 1 August 2013!
Accreditation fee: 100,- EUR
The filmmakers submitting their films to BUSHO agrees at the same time to the:
- public presentation of their film(s) in the competition,
- public presentation of their film(s) or a part of it on TV for advertising the festival,
- presentation of their film(s) in the events promoting the BuSho Festival,
- presentation of the award winning films on the festival collection dvd, which is made only for non-commercial use with BuSho watermark for promoting the Festival.
We would like to welcome everybody in the “Heart of Europe”, in Budapest. Do you want a sho®t?
Then come and visit us for some cultural refreshment. For further information please connect:
Mail adress:
TEL/FAX: +36/1-422-10-83,
WEB: www.busho.hu
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