Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

IUGTE nemzetközi képregény és rajzfilm pályázat

„Impostor” („Szélhámos”) címmel hirdet pályázatot az IUGTE képregény-, rajzfilmkészítőknek és grafikus íróknak. A jelentkezőknek Friedrich Schiller befejezetlen drámáját, a Demetriust kell alapul venniük. Nemre, származásra, családi állapotra, állampolgárságra való tekintet nélkül, 38 éves korig bárki jelentkezhet egy maximum 6 oldal terjedelmű és 3 MB nagyságú pályaművel.

Az alkotást, egyrészt JPG formátumban, másrészt postai úton („Comics Competititon” tárgyszóval) 2013. szeptember 7-ig lehet el kell küldeni a megadott címekre.

A pályázó maga dönt a műve technikájáról, műfajáról és stílusáról, az elbíráláskor a művészi értéket, az eredetiséget és hitelességet, a történetmesélést és a technikai minőséget veszik figyelembe.

A győztes az ArtUniverse Agency jóvoltából egy 1350 eurós ösztöndíjban részesül, amivel részt vehet az IUGTE négy hetes, nemzetközi laborjában, melyet idén november 4-től december 2-ig szerveznek meg Litvánia Orosz Dráma Színházában.

A pályaművek mellé egy angol nyelven megírt motivációs levelet és szakmai önéletrajzot is várnak.

Beküldési határidő: 2013. szeptember 7.
Eredményhirdetés: 2013. szeptember 10.


Competition for Comics Artists, Cartoonists and Graphic Novelists 

The competition is opening on August 15th!


„Impostor” is the competition for the best unpublished comics based on the play by Friedrich Schiller „Demetrius”. „Demetrius” is the incomplete drama by the German playwright F.Schiller based on the life of Demetrius. The central figure is the character of False Dmitry, the Tsar of Russia who was one of the three impostors (Russian: самозванец ‘samozvanets’, „impostor”) and who claimed himself to be the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, tsarevitch Dmitriy Ivanovich. The False Dmitriy is one of the notable characters in Russian history and his personality still attracts the attention of historians, writers and poets its ambiguity and mystery.

We strongly encourage all entrants to send in their comics as soon as possible
The sooner the comics are available online, the greater their level of public exposure and their chance of winning the award.
The entries are accepted before September 7th.
The results of the competition will be announced on September 10th.

The award is granted without regard to sex, race, national origin, language, creed, pregnancy, family status, political convictions, disability or citizenship.
The competition is open to comic strip authors, cartoonists and graphic novelists from different countries and backgrounds working in various styles.
The applicant’s age limit is 38 years.
Members of the competition Jury will select the best comics based on the following criteria:
  • Authenticity (essential).
  • Originality and artistic value (33%).
  • Storytelling (33%).
  • Technical quality (33%).
The winner of the „Impostor” competition will be awarded the scholarship supported by „ArtUniverse” Agency for participation in four-week International Labwhich will take place on November 4 – December 2, 2013 at the Russian Drama Repertory Theatre of Lithuania
The scholarship award is 1350 EUR.

The Lab project is organized by the International University ”Global Theatre Experience” (IUGTE) in partnership with Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania. The four-week intensive Lab offers a unique opportunity to become the part of the international multidisciplinary artistic team and to take part in the practical creative process together with Russian actors at the Russian repertory theatre. The Lab will create the fascinating encounter of different arts in multicultural and multilingual artistic environment. The Lab creative team will consist of representatives from various professional backgrounds with different areas of expertise in performing arts – actors, directors, dancers, choreographers, arts managers, film and video makers from different countries. As the result of the four-week Lab collaboration the international team will create and demonstrate the work-in-progress on the stage of the Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania. 

The contributions of all „Impostor” competition finalists will be published on IUGTE and „ArtUniverse” Agency web resources
as well as presented to the public during the three international events: 
  • Press conference and exhibition dedicated to the opening of the the work-in-progress on the stage of the Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania created by the creative team of directors, actors, dancers, choreographers, film and video makers from different countries as the result of the four-week long International Lab in November-December 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Project presentation and exhibition at IUGTE annual International Conference „Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity” held on December 17-21, 2013 at Retzhof Castle in Austria.
  • Press conference and exhibition dedicated to the opening of the the final performance on the stage of the Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania created by the creative team of directors, actors, dancers, choreographers, film and video makers from different countries as the result of the six-week long International Lab in January-March 2014 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The comic must be original and unpublished material created by the candidate.  
By entering the „Impostor” competition, candidates acknowledge that:
  • The comic strip they are submitting is their own original work.
  • The submitted comic does not infringe on the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any other person or entity; and that no other party has any right, claim, title, or interest in the comic.
  • By submitting the comic, each candidate authorises IUGTE to reproduce, distribute or display the entry and create derivative works relating to the entry (along with author accreditation) in connection with the promotion of the award, or as part of any media or public events, without additional compensation.
  • By submitting the comic, each candidate authorises IUGTE to use the comic as part of the presentations and exhibitions to take place in 2013-2014, along with author accreditation. 
Technical requirements:
  • Each comic must consist of a maximum of 6 pages.
  • Each page of the comic must be of a maximum of 3MB.
  • Comics submissions are accepted both electronically (JPG format) to (send a copy to
    with subject „Comics Competition” and via post (please contact us for more details).
  • Style, technique and genre can be at the candidate’s choice.
  • Along with the comic, candidates should submit a cover letter of motivation and brief professional biography (written in Word/PDF format in English),
    latest head shot (JPG format) and the scanned copy of personal ID document confirming the age (JPG format).
Candidates will receive acknowledgement of receipt of their submission.
Phone: +44 20 32 86 18 36