A négy hónapos időtartamra szóló Lantos-Humanity in Action Congressional ösztöndíjprogramra 2013 november 1-ig jelentekzhetnek magyar diákok, friss dplomások és Roma származású pályázók.
About the Fellowship
The Lantos-Humanity in Action Congressional Fellowship will run for four months, from January 14 through May 26, 2014. Six Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows will participate in this program, along with two participants from Hungary and one participant from Israel. Students and alumni of the Roma Access Program at the Central European University in Budapest are strongly encouraged to apply.
This program is named in memory of the late Tom Lantos, former Congressman, Holocaust survivor and human rights champion, and in honor of his wife Annette.
The program resulted from a plan developed with the former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, Richard Swett, to strengthen ties among emerging European and American human rights leaders and to provide European university students with an inside perspective on the workings of Congress, American government, political parties, minority issues, economic and social developments and human rights issues.
Since the fellowship’s founding in 2001, nearly 100 Senior Fellows have been privileged to participate as Lantos-Humanity in Action Congressional Fellows.
Humanity in Action is grateful to the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice for its partnership in this program and its generous support.
Who Can Apply?
Fellows and Senior Fellows: All Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows are eligible to apply. However, applicants who are not residents of the United States must meet visa eligibility criteria.
Applicants must also have completed their Humanity in Action Action Project or demonstrated progress in the planning stages of their project idea.
Israeli Students and Recent Graduates: All Israeli students and recent graduates from Israeli universities and graduate schools are eligible to apply if they meet visa eligibility criteria.
Hungarian Students and Recent Graduates: All Hungarian students and recent graduates from Hungarian universities and graduate schools are eligible to apply if they meet visa eligibility criteria. Students with a Roma background and students and recent graduates from the Roma Access Program at the Central European University are strongly encouraged to apply.
Important Note on Visa Eligibility: If you are not a U.S. citizen, do not have a U.S. passport or do not currently have a visa that will allow to you to be in the U.S. for the duration of this program, you are only able to apply if you are a current student or a recent graduate (you must have graduated from university or graduate school no earlier than January 2013). Humanity in Action is authorized to issue J-1 intern visas. Please click here for more information on the J-1 intern visa.
Work Responsibilities
Participants will work four days a week in an office in the House of Representatives or a Congressional Committee.
Participants can expect their working experience to be demanding and intellectually rewarding, especially once they have „learned the ropes” of their congressional office.
The exact responsibilities of work assignments will vary by congressional office and depend upon the legislative agenda. However, participants can anticipate that their day-to-day responsibilities will include:
- Administrative work
- Answering constituent correspondence and phone calls
- Policy related analysis
- Writing talking points
- Meeting preparation, including the writing of memoranda
In addition, participants will also attend a program one day each week of seminars and site visits to gain a broad perspective of views on American political, social, legal, economic, educational, religious and cultural issues.
Participation in every session of this weekly program is required.
Congressional Placements
Placements are made by Humanity in Action after applicants are selected and confirm their participation in the Lantos-Humanity in Action Congressional Fellowship. Whenever possible, Humanity in Action seeks to match participants with a congressional office that is appropriate to their interests and experience.
Fellows in 2013 worked in the following offices:
- Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- Rep. Alcee Hastings
- Rep. Jim McDermott
- Rep. Grace Napolitano
- Rep. Elliot Engel
- Rep. Mark Takano
- Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment
Application Requirements
All applicants must meet the visa eligibility requirements for this program or otherwise be legal residents of the United States.
Applicants must have an excellent grasp of written and spoken English and be computer literate. Applicants must also be willing to perform routine administrative tasks throughout their fellowship.
Please note that all applicants must agree to work in both Democratic and Republican offices.
All applications must be received by the application deadline to be considered.
Applications from Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows are due on September 2, 2013.
Applications from Israeli and Hungarian students and recent graduates will be reviewed as received until November 1, 2013.
Selection Procedure
Selection decisions will be made by a committee of former Lantos-Humanity in Action Congresional Fellows, with input from Humanity in Action staff. Applicants will be judged on their academic records, previous work experience, quality of writing, level of maturity and professionalism.
Applicants may be asked to participate in a telephone or in-person interview.
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