A Circulation(s) fotográfiai Fesztivál harmadik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre Párizsban a Bagatelle Parkban. A fesztivál lehetőséget teremt európai, európában élő fotósok bemutatkozására. A téma szabadon választható és nincsenek technikai megkötések. A fotósok 2013 szeptember 21-ig jelentkezhetnek. Regisztrációs díj: 5 €.
The third edition of the festival Circulation(s) that took place in Bagatelle Park in Paris last March was with 28’000 visitors a very successful experience. Offering a fresh perspective on Europe through photography, the Festival Circulation(s) set to light 43 young photographers, who were invited to exhibit their work to a large public in a unique place.
This success has determined Fetart to launch the fourth edition of the festival Circulation(s) for the first time at the CENTQUATRE, a multidisciplinary culture space at the east of Paris. This fourth edition will take place in February 7th to march 16th, 2014 leading the festival Circulation(s) to become a major annual event devoted to contemporary photography.
The call for applications is aimed at all European photographers or residents in Europe in their early career as artists. There is no theme and freestanding photographic installations are allowed. At the end of the call, about 20 photographers representing a large overview of the new generation of European photographers will be selected to exhibit their works.
For more information: www.festival-circulations.com
The call for applications will end on September 21, 2013.
The photographers will be selected on the quality of their artistic practice and on the relevance of their work.
Freestanding photographic installation (no wall fastening) and collective works are allowed.
About 20 photographers will be selected by a jury, which will meet in mid-October, 2013.
The decision of the jury will be final.
The selected applicants will be informed by email in the course of November 2013.
- The call for applications is open to all European photographers and to all photographers living in Europe.
- There is no age limit.
APPLICATION : The costs for the registration of the application amount to 5 euros. The payment is to be made online through Paypal (addressed to: candidature@fetart.org), by cash or by cheque (attached to the envelope of your application).
PRINTS : The prints will be fully paid by Fetart (+ Dibond panels depending on the budget). The prints will be made in a lab partner in the „Digigraphie ®” by Epson process.
All prints will be made in Paris during the course of January 2014.
The artists not living in Paris are asked to send the pictures in high definition before November 1, 2013 in order to allow Fetart to proceed with the printing. The pictures shall be sent to the same address as the one for the application.
Fetart being a non-profit association working only with volunteers, the artists shall pay the transport and the living costs during the time of the exhibition. However Fetart may help the photographers to find an accommodation in Paris.
The deadline is September 21, 2013.
At the end and only after the final decision of the jury, the selected photographers have to become member of the association. The annual subscription amounts to 60 euros (no other currency will be accepted).
The applicants shall send their application together with the following documents:
- The following application form fulfilled and signed
- A portfolio including a maximum of 15 prints (size 21 X 29.7 cm). Black and white pictures and colour pictures are accepted in the same portfolio. Kindly write the name of the artist and the title of the series on the back of the pictures. Be aware that digital files are not accepted. All digital photographs shall be printed.
- A detailed résumé (biography and career of the photographer) on paper, (1000-1500 signs)
- A text presenting your series (and a draft by the photographic installations)
- A CD including:
- A digital version of the biography and career of the photographer (.rtf or .doc) and of the text presenting your series
- 4 pictures High definition – Jpeg 300dpi
- The entire series (limited to 20 pictures) – Jpg 72 dpi (for online presentation) (800 pixels max on the smaller side)
- A picture of your choice (size 430x360pixels)
- All files shall be registered with your surname and the number of the series (surname_number.jpg)
The fully completed application file shall be sent to the following address before September 21, 2013:
Chez Picturetank
19 rue Bisson – 75020 PARIS / France
If the candidate wants to get his application back, he shall add to his file a return envelope in the appropriate format and stamped at the current rate.
- The application files will not be sent back (only if the applicant provides a stamped letter at current postal rate). If you not ask for your file within the six months after the end of the call, your file will be destroyed.
- Only the files duly completed will be examined by the jury. Registered letters as well as special delivery parcels will not be accepted.
For more information, please contact : candidature@fetart.org.
Link: http://www.festival-circulations.com/?lang=fr ; https://www.facebook.com/events/157168881132302/?ref=3
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