The prefix ‘trans’ means to go beyond, get across, cross, exchange, change and convert. The Residence Program provides a time and place for artists to experience new encounters and carry out experiments to guide their their future projects. Participating artists are expected to bring new ideas to the local culture and people while they, in turn, will hopefully acquire new perspectives through these fresh encounters. As a result of the residence program, the artists will convey their new experiences, gathered from the local lifestyle and our particular geographic situation, to their next destination. We hope that the residence program at Akiyoshidai International Art Village becomes a space for artists to go beyond cultural borders and expand their outlooks, exchange their unique understandings and establish relationships with fellow artists.
Applications must be received by 31 July 2012.
Residency period:22 January – 12 March, 2013 [50days]
Number of artists accepted
- 4 artists of any nationalities, working in any field, who are under 40 years old.
- Groups of 2 artists may apply, but no larger.
Eligible applicants
Artists who are able
- to stay at AIAV for the designated period of time.
- to participate in all public programs, e.g. open studio, presentations and gallery talks, and produce the results from his or her residence activities.
- to communicate with local people and participate in the exchange program, e.g. via talks, lectures, workshops and presentations, in English or Japanese.
- to provide materials, e.g. pictures and videos, for publicity and archiving in accordance with AIAV’s requirement.
- to take part in education programs at local schools and universities.
- to work and live independently.
- to present results in English or other languages, e.g. exhibitions, blogs or talks, outside Japan within a year after the program finishes.
*Artists cannot be accompanied by anyone, including family and collaborator(s). When aritsts’ family or friends visit AIAV, they will be charged an accommodation fee of approximately 3,000 yen per night (price differes according to room type).
- Travel expenses: round trip from your address to AIAV (international flight tickets should be return: single tickets cannot be accepted)
- Accommodation at AIAV (single room with own bath and toilet)*1
- Studio (the allocation of studios is decided by AIAV: artists may have to share with others)
- Production expenses of 200,000 yen
- Per diem of 2,800 yen × day
*1 There is a common kitchen at the residence hall, where artists can cook for themselves.
NB Income tax (20%) will be imposed on those from countries, which do not have a tax convention with Japan.
Copyright and Publicity
- Artworks produced during the program belong to the artists.
- Images, taken during the program, e.g. photos of the aritsts and exhibition view, belong to AIAV.
- Artists are expected to be supportive when photographed and asked to participate in publicity, e.g. for newspaper interview.
- Artists may be asked to loan or donate their pieces of work but they have the right to refuse such requests.
This programme is organized by Yamaguchi Kirameki Foundation and Akiyoshidai International Art Village and supported by Yamaguchi Prefecture, Yamaguchi board of education, Mine city, Mine city board of education and the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in fiscal year 2012.
Programme Schedule
January 22 Program starts
January 23 Orientation
February 9 Open Studio
March 8 – March 10 Presentation(*2)
March 8 Gallery Talks
March 12 Program ends
*1 During the program there will be a few outreach sessions at local schools and universities, e.g. talks and workshops.
*2 Artists will have to install and deinstall their work by themselves and will have to pack their work and pay shipping costs if necessary.
How to apply
- Applicants should fill in all the required fields in the application form (three pages).
- Please use a font size no smaller than 10 point. Do not change the width or length of each field.
- You may attach your portfolio (no larger than A4), catalogue and photocopies of articles from newspapers and magazines (English of Japanese).
NB None of the items you submit can be returned.
We will not accept applications via email or fax.
Submitted information is only used for selection and not for other purpose.
Applications must be received by 31 July, 2012.
*Applications will not be accepted if there is any deficiency or if required information is missing.
Results will be announced in early October 2012
*All applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, will be informed of the results. A total of 4 artists will be selected.
Applications & inquiries should be addressed to
Akiyoshidai International Art Village
50 Akiyoshi, Shuho-cho, Mine-shi, Yamaguchi 754-0511 JAPAN
Tel: +81 (0)837 63 0020
Fax: +81 (0)837 63 0021
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