URBAN 2013 international street photo contest, organized by dotART cultural association, will accept entries from the 1st of April 2013.
Now in its fourth edition, URBAN has as its main theme daily life in the city, which is seen through street photography: real, instant images, that capture moments, people, faces, streets, buildings and other elements capable of telling stories woven into the urban fabric. The star of the show: the City.
To take part, just follow the instructions on the Upload page. Works must be submitted no later than the 31st of May 2013.
See rules.
Professional artists, photographers and communication experts will judge entries and choose the winners (jury members are currently being selected, with the final panel to be announced shortly). After the closure of the competition, works selected by the jury will receive awards and will then appear in acollective exhibit (location and dates to be announced).
The total prize money is more than € 3,000!
The competition is open to all and features three distinct themes:
Daily life in the city seen through street photography: real, instant images that capture moments, people, faces, streets, buildings and other elements capable of telling stories woven into the urban fabric. The star of the show: the City.
The urban environment seen through the lens, tracing lines, contours, outlines, sinuous or asymmetric forms, geometric arrangements. Capturing with the artistic eye of the photograph particular images from the cityscape which surrounds us.
Fashion Photography in the urban fabric. Contrary to street photography, here there’s no need to capture the moment, since it can actually be “created”. The setting for the fashion shoot must be the City, either real or reproduced as a set. The photographer is free to place his/her subjects inside or outside, as long as the city context is ever present. Therefore only those photos taken in setting will be admitted (and not those taken against a neutral backdrop). There is complete freedom in the choosing of models, photo style, make up, hair styling and post production.
Each participant may submit up to 9 works (3 for each theme), none of which may have previously won an award in another competition (the penalty for using previously awarded photos is the exclusion of the entry in question from the competition). We accept photos in colour or in black and white; post production and software corrections are to be kept to a minimum. Photo compositions or pictures with visible signatures from the photographer will not be accepted. We do not accept images or works with offensive content; decisions regarding content will be made by the jury and are to be considered final
Prizes are divided as follows:
- Winner: 700 € + medal + 1 year Book Power account (150 € – see below in „Other Prizes”)
- 2nd: 500 € + medal + 1 year Book Power account (150 € – see below in „Other Prizes”)
- 3rd: 300 € + medal + 1 year Book Power account (150 € – see below in „Other Prizes”)
- » Offered by our partner Photographers.it
- – 1 year Book Power account on www.photographerspro.eu (150 EUROS value) for the three winners [details]
- – Winning pictures and photographers will be published on the photography section of italian popular journal LaStampa.it (through Book Power)
- – 1 year Book Pro account on www.photographerspro.eu (40 EUROS value) for each section winner [details]
Web: http://www.urban.dotart.it/
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