You name it! Adj TE nevet az EU kutatást és innovációt támogató programjának és nyerj egy utat Brüsszelbe!
1. You name it!
2. A new name for the next EU Research and Innovation Programme
Create a catchy name for the next EU research and innovation programme! The new programme will support researchers and innovators in Europe, boost excellence and ensure that good ideas reach the market and generate real economic growth and new jobs. This needs to be reflected in a name.
Make your proposal by midnight on 10 May using the form below. It should be easily associated with research and innovation, while also being original, memorable, either useable in a wide range of languages or easily translatable, and easy to pronounce and spell. You will find the main conditions below. Please consult the Official Competition Rules for the full conditions.
An international jury chaired by Robert-Jan Smits, the Director-General of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation DG, will select the best three suggestions. They will be put to a public vote on this site. The jury members are as follows:
- Mr. Massimo Busuoli, head of the Brussels office of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Brussels, Belgium
- Frank Gannon, Director and CEO, Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Brisbane, Australia
- Eric Hollander, Creative Director, AIR agency, expert in branding/communication, Brussels, Belgium
- Anne L’Huillier, European Research Council grantee, Professor in the atomic physics division of the University of Lund, L’Oréal-Unesco prize winner 2011, Lund, Sweden
- Anna Innamorati, President of McCann Company (Rome office), expert in branding/communication, Rome, Italy
- Carmen Vela, Manager Director at INGENASA, an innovative biotechnology SME, Madrid, Spain
The winning name will be announced by Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn at the conference concluding the current consultation on the Common Strategic Framework, on 10 June in Brussels. The person who first suggested the winning name via this site will get an expenses-paid trip to the European Innovation Convention, which will take place in Brussels at the end of this year, and he or she will meet the Commissioner and other leading political, scientific and business figures.
3. Conditions
The name should:
- reflect the new policy context, be easily associated with both research and innovation, and represent these two concepts in a straightforward manner.
- be original: it should have a unique identity and be checked against other possible uses or meanings (especially in the case of acronyms).
- be memorable and easy to pronounce and spell.
- be understandable in and/or translate well into all the official languages of the EU.
- be long-lasting, since it would become a brand name.
4. Participation
The competition is open to everyone except employees of the European institutions and their direct family members.
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